Natural Reserves Of Khakassia

Natural Reserves Of Khakassia
Natural Reserves Of Khakassia

The natural reserves of Khakassia fulfill their functions to preserve the pristine nature. In certain areas, access to unauthorized persons is either limited or prohibited. There is nothing unusual or supernatural about such a strict regime. At the moment, the situation is developing in such a way that the influence of unfavorable factors on various objects is already very strong. Take the same space flights. Nobody argues with the assertion that it is necessary to master space. The ubiquitous tourists already easily go there. The space tourist is a phenomenon of our time. Although there is an opinion that you can do without these frills.

Nature reserves
Nature reserves

The natural reserves of Khakassia are fully influenced by space technologies. This happened initially, during the design and construction of the Baikonur cosmodrome. In accordance with the flight trajectory, the spent stages of space objects fall to the Earth in the Altai and Khakass taiga. Local residents have long ago accepted unexpected "gifts" from the sky. Something was adjusted on the farm. For example, duralumin sheets are well used for the construction of sheds and other structures. These "gifts" were not particularly talked about - long tongues were not respected at all times.

It cannot be said that the natural reserves of Khakassia are noticeably affected by missile debris. But there is also no reason to assert that such procedures are beneficial to them. Rocket fuel, called heptyl, is a potent poison for living organisms. The remains of unburned fuel gradually accumulate in the soil and in the plants. This is not yet reflected in the behavior of wild animals. But connoisseurs have become less likely to collect medicinal herbs in those areas. This is understandable, with the spread of negative information, people began to show interest in such aspects. Deceiving consumers seems to be out of hand, but telling the truth is fraught with consequences.

Of course, the natural reserves of Khakassia as part of the planetary ecosystem cannot stay away from the general influence of the technical process. And, at the same time, provided that these territories are treated with care, one can count on the fact that the nature of these places will not undergo irreversible changes. They plan to move the same cosmodrome, or build a new one, to the Far East. There, the spent stages of launch vehicles will fall into the ocean. Or, as harmful people say, to Japan. So then let the Japanese solve their problems as they can or as they can.
