If, while traveling on vacation, you need a first aid kit, but you find that it is forgotten at home, then this is not a reason to be upset. Nature has taken care of people, and therefore inexpensive and natural ingredients for seasickness, sore throat, sunburn and bloating can be found anywhere in the world.

Tomatoes are invaluable travel companions. They are used to relieve swelling and stop itching from insect bites. You need to attach a slice of tomato to the sore spot. Tomato juice should be rubbed into blondes' hair, which has turned green from chlorinated water. You can cope with increased sweating in hot countries by taking a bath with a couple of glasses of tomato juice added.
Yogurt is also a natural medicine and should not be neglected. This immune stimulant and antibiotic will help with diarrhea, thrush and stomatitis. The main thing is that this product contains live lactic acid bacteria.
From ginger it will turn out to be a natural cure for a sore throat and colds. It is cut into thin slices and filled with boiled hot water. You can suppress motion sickness and nausea by sucking on a piece of ginger.
In any supermarket, you can buy a medicine from Mother Nature - cinnamon. The antimicrobial effect of the aromatic spice can help relieve indigestion and nausea. Medicines are not needed if you add cinnamon to teas, desserts, main dishes.
It would be a mistake to think that only children suffer from stomatitis. This sore can ruin the rest at any age. You should always carry a bag of salt from a restaurant or airplane ration with you. At the first sign of stomatitis, you need to apply it directly to the sores in the mouth. You will have to endure a slight burning sensation, knowing that this procedure will lead to the healing of the ulcers. Also, rinsing your mouth with a salt solution will bring a positive result.
Vinegar will help cope with the effects of meeting a jellyfish. The affected area needs to be watered, and then rinsed in salt water, perhaps even in sea water. Alcohol, water from a bottle will not work for this, they will only aggravate the pain. The stings must be removed by scratching the skin with a shell, or something hard.
Avocado is an easy substitute for sunscreen. Thanks to the nutrients and oils, the fruit juice quickly penetrates the skin, softening and protecting it. This natural moisturizer is very useful under makeup.