There are many beautiful and unusual places in Russia. It is very difficult to choose a few of them. Yet a few places stand out from this multitude. You just need to see them with your own eyes.

1. Lake Baikal

One of such places is Baikal. It seems to make no sense to imagine it, but nevertheless: Baikal is the deepest lake in the world (1642 m is the maximum depth of the lake, and the average is 744.4 m). It is also the largest freshwater lake in Eurasia. And, of course, this is one of the main attractions of Russia, so everyone needs to see it.
2. Valley of Geysers, Kamchatka

It is a deep river canyon with an area of about 6 km2, with many geysers and mud pots, hot springs and waterfalls. The Kamchatka Valley of Geysers is the only such place in Eurasia and one of the largest in the world. Included in the UNESCO list. The valley is located in a protected area and you can get here only with the permission of the reserve - tourism was banned here back in 1977. But if you get permission, you will be taken to the Valley on a special helicopter tour. Despite such difficulties, the Valley of Geysers is one of the most visited places by tourists.
3. Ruskeala marble canyon, Karelia

This is the name of a mountain tourist park located in Karelia near the village of Ruskeala. The main object here is a former marble quarry filled with clear and transparent groundwater (transparency reaches 15 m). The quarry began to be developed during the reign of Catherine II, and marble was supplied from here for the construction of buildings in St. Petersburg and its environs (the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Cathedral and others).
4. Pillars of weathering, Komi

This place is a natural monument of geological formation. The pillars are located on the territory of the Pechora-Ilychsky nature reserve in the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic. They are far from populated areas, so it is difficult to get to them. But there are both walking and automobile routes to the pillars, and even water routes. Only for visiting you need to get a pass from the administration of the reserve. The pillars are considered one of the 7 wonders of Russia. A place associated with many legends. One of them says that the pillars are giants petrified with fear.
5. Kizhi, Karelia

Kizhi is an architectural complex of wooden churches and a bell tower, which were built in the 18-19 centuries without a single nail. Located on an island in Lake Onega. Kizhi is a part of the Kizhi Historical and Architectural Museum and one of the main attractions of Russia.
6. Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad region

Spit is a narrow strip of land with unique flora, fauna and landscape. More than 600 plant species and almost 300 animal species can be seen here. For this, as well as for the amazing nature, the Curonian Spit is included in the UNESCO list. It is located on the territory of the national park of the same name, along which 6 hiking trails are laid.
7. Lake Baskunchak

If you have not been to the Dead Sea yet, then you can safely go to Baskunchak. After all, this lake is in no way inferior to it in its natural and healing properties. Baskunchak is located on the territory of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky reserve, the lake level is 21 meters below sea level. The concentration of salt in the waters is about 300 grams per liter of water. Salt mining began here in the 8th century and is still mined. Moreover, 80% of all salt production in Russia falls on Baskunchak - due to the fact that the salt here is extremely pure. The tourist season here falls in the warm summer months.
8. Divnogorye plateau, Voronezh region

"Divnogorye" is a museum-reserve and a hill of the same name in the Liskinsky district of the Voronezh region. The locality received this name because of the chalk columns-remnants - the locals called them "divas", that is. miracle (from the word miracle). Now Divnogorye is one of the most popular places in the Voronezh region, and in Russia as a whole - about 60 thousand people come here every year. These are mainly pilgrims, because Divnogorye is the center of Orthodox pilgrimage due to the several chalk cave churches located in this area.
9. Kungurskaya cave, Perm region

One of the most popular places in the Urals is the Kungur Ice Cave, located in the Perm Territory. One of the largest karst caves in Russia and the 7th longest gypsum cave in the world. The first mentions of it are found in written sources of the 18th century, but in general its age is more than 10 thousand years. It is not surprising that during this time the cave was overgrown not only with stalagmites and stalactites, but also with many legends. The beauty of this place is difficult to convey in photographs.
10. Lena Pillars, Yakutia

This is the name for steep, vertical, precipitous rocks on the territory of the national park of the same name in Yakutia. They stretch along the banks of the Lena River for 40 km. Here you will find unique nature and picturesque views of the rocks, attracting thousands of tourists to this region. And you can also walk along Tukulana - this is the name of the area in the Lena River basin with fluttering sand dunes. In these sands, scientists have found the remains of a mammoth and an ancient man's site.