Tuapse is one of the most popular resorts in the Krasnodar Territory, attracting thousands of tourists every year. There are many routes laid there for every taste, and even those who like to have a rest as a “savage” can easily get to the city.

Step 1
If you want to get to Tuapse by plane, you will have to fly to neighboring Krasnodar or Sochi, and from there get there on your own, since there is no airport in the city. It is preferable to choose Krasnodar. Pashkovsky airport, located here, is the center of the Kuban Airlines. An additional plus is that the technical base of the airport has recently undergone modernization. The terminal building was reconstructed, and now passengers and those who meet them are provided with maximum comfort. A special service hall and a VIP hall were opened.
Step 2
Both in Krasnodar and Sochi, buses and minibuses run regularly from the airport to the bus station. You will need to get to the bus station, and there, in turn, take a regular bus to Tuapse. You can also get there by any commuter train. They run every hour, and the journey takes three hours. The express train will take you just two hours.
Step 3
The overwhelming majority of tourists prefer to get to Tuapse by train. The road from Moscow takes an average of 33 hours. This method is much more convenient than air travel, since you arrive directly into the city, and, moreover, you do not need to spend a lot of money on taxi services. In addition, moving with heavy luggage from the airport of Krasnodar or Sochi to Tuapse is an extra headache.
Step 4
Motorists can get to Tuapse along the M4 Don federal highway. After passing Armavir, take the M9 “Caucasus” highway. After passing Maikop and Khadyzhensk, turn to Shaumyan (highway P254), otherwise you will have to get stuck in traffic jams on Goryachy Klyuch. The road will be free and very picturesque, but keep in mind that there is no asphalt in the area of Shahumyan pass for seven kilometers. Drive on the ground at a speed of no more than 20 km / h and cover the windows from dust.
Step 5
It is impossible to get to Tuapse directly by public transport; you will have to make many changes. Therefore, it only makes sense to travel by bus if you live in the surrounding area.