Cities Not Worth Visiting

Cities Not Worth Visiting
Cities Not Worth Visiting

There are cities on the territory of the world that you should definitely refuse to visit. These cities are dangerous to find in them, but, nevertheless, there are people who continue to live and work in these dangerous places.

Cities not worth visiting
Cities not worth visiting

China, Tianjin. This is the industrial center of China, which produces lead, this city is considered the most polluted in the country. The concentration of lead in soil and air exceeds the norm by almost 10 times. Lead is also present in cereals that are grown in the city.

Zambia, Kabwe. There are also huge amounts of lead and cadmium in the air and soil. The level of contamination with these metals is 4 times higher than the permissible level.

China, Linfin. The coal industry is thriving here, so there is a high concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air. Almost 200 thousand people living in this city suffer from bronchitis, lung cancer and pneumonia.

Ukraine, Chernobyl. Radiation contamination of the territory is associated with the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. At the moment, a high level of radiation is still preserved on the territory of Chernobyl and Pripyat, so a visit to this city is undesirable.

Russia, Norilsk. Throughout Russia, Norilsk is considered the most polluted city. There are large factories here that process heavy metals such as nickel, zinc, copper and lead. Since 2001, foreign citizens have been banned from entering the city.

Russia, Dzerzhinsk. Previously, a large amount of chemical waste was buried here. Due to heavy pollution, the average life expectancy here is about 45 years.

Peru, La Oroya. This city is home to American factories that also process lead, zinc and copper. There is a huge amount of acid rain.

India, Vapi. Here, the level of mercury in the water exceeds the norm by 100 times. Vapors of heavy metals are in the air.

India, Sukinda. Chromium is processed in factories. Most of the processing waste is discharged into the water of lakes and rivers. 90% of people suffer from cancer.

Azerbaijan, Sumgait. Center for the chemical industry. Heavy metals, oil waste are widely spread in the air. Children who are born with mental and genetic disabilities are especially affected.
