Visiting tourists, getting into this city, try to visit all the famous places of St. Petersburg. Walks along the Neva, excursions to the Hermitage, visiting Palace Square are in the first place in the list of all visits. Gostiny Dvor, Naval Cathedral, Obvodny Canal are especially attractive. But in addition to these historically beautiful sights, there are seven places to go when visiting this beautiful and unusual city.

Stone Island
If you want to plunge into the times of the Silver Age, then this island is the place where you can feel the atmosphere of those times. This is the northern part of St. Petersburg, connected by bridges with other islands. On the island there are only beautiful summer cottages built at the beginning of the 20th century and owned by famous artists, officials and writers; green parks, lawns, alleys, thanks to which the island is called "green". The bustle of the big city fades into the background when visiting this island, which has an approximate area of just over a hundred hectares. If you have a question about where to go in St. Petersburg, visit Kamenny Island.

Metro stations
Their construction began in the 30s using projects that were created back in tsarist Russia. The architecture of these stations can compete with the metropolitan, and its depth surpasses the depth of all other metro systems in the world. Seeing the metro stations in St. Petersburg is a very interesting activity.

Feodorovsky Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God
Where else to go in St. Petersburg? A must to the Feodorovsky Cathedral. This cathedral was built at the beginning of the 20th century and is located in the very center of St. Petersburg. It is not as popular as St. Isaac's Cathedral only because the restoration work was completed quite recently. It was there that a children's Sunday school existed in the 1920s, and 10 years later it was transferred to a factory for the manufacture of dairy products. At this time, the building was changed, but still the restoration was successful. The bells bear the imprint of the names of members of the royal family and the coats of arms of seven cities of Russia.

Kronstadt city
It is certainly worth a visit to this historical corner of St. Petersburg, it is located not far from the center and is an outpost of the northern capital and replenishes the most famous UNESCO World Heritage List. More than 250 monuments of culture, technology and history can be viewed by visiting this amazing place. The history of this city can be inextricably linked with the formation of the Russian fleet, the discoveries of Russian inventors.

This area of St. Petersburg is attractive for its Kolomna Kremlin, museums and parks. On the border of Kolomna there is Teatralnaya Square, at one time only people of theatrical professions settled there, therefore it is called the Artists' Quarter. Aft of this square, Kolomna is surrounded by Fontanka, Kryukov Canal, Moika. At one time, Pushkin lived on the Fontanka, where his parents rented a room. Thought what to see in St. Petersburg - visit these places.

Five corners of St. Petersburg
The most informal part of the northern capital. This part of the city appeared in the middle of the 18th century and was sung by Vladimir Vysotsky. Being at the fork of four roads (Lomonosov, Razyezzhaya, Rubinstein and Zagorodny Avenue), one gets the impression that you are at a fabulous fork. The construction of two houses in a trapezoid shape contributes to the perception of the feeling of five roads. Surpassing all the symbols of the city is the Apartment House, built according to the project of Lishnevsky at the beginning of the 20th century. You need to visit these places in St. Petersburg. The Semyonovsky parade ground will tell about the tragic fate of the soldiers, oppositionists of the Arakcheev system. Vitebsk Station will amaze you with its chic interior and European style. This place is especially appreciated by lovers of literature, because it was not in vain that it was glorified at one time by many poets. And, by the way, it was tacitly called the "heart" of the city.

Petersburg modern
The most striking and valuable style in the development of the culture of St. Petersburg is a stage in the long development of the formation of this direction. One of the monuments to such art is the House of Books, a characteristic feature of construction - a convenient structure against the background of crowded buildings. At the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of buildings on the Petrogradskaya side, distinguished by strict decoration, was actively carried out. The most famous architect of Art Nouveau was Lidval, under his leadership mansions, banks, hotels were built. A clear architectural monument of that time is the house of the Eliseevs and Singer.
Of course, these are not all the places that can be visited in St. Petersburg, there is also the Emerald City, which is located on Pravdy Street; courtyards-wells, significant in that, getting there, you are fenced off with walls of houses from all sides; Griffin Tower on Vasilievsky Island. The museum on Shpalernaya Street, although it is dedicated to the history and development of the organization, has a clock on the wall, which contains a fragment of a shell stuck since the Second World War.
There are many places that fascinate and attract with their uniqueness, which are worth visiting in St. Petersburg, the most important thing is to choose the right route and get charged with a positive attitude in order to take in all the beauty and wealth of such a great city.