The main principle of rest in Jamaica is leisurely and leisurely, admiring the beautiful landscapes and the azure coast. Here the traveler will be able to immerse himself in a culture that is radically different from the usual.

Of all the attractions of Jamaica, a special nature stands out - these are the popular gardens with oysters and sandy beaches called Montego Bay.
Of all the places, every tourist needs to see the estate of the Kings. This is a private lodge located in the heart of Jamaica. It includes the Cathedral of Catherine.
Reggae and Jamaica resort are inseparable. The hero and character of the nation is Bob Marley. It is his children who perform reggae, and his wife uses his famous name to attract attention. Naturally, the island also houses the Bob Marley Museum. The walls are covered with special newspapers, pictures of Bob and platinum discs.
The Bob Marley Museum is one of the most visited places among celebrities. The resort hosts cultural, art and music events every year. The Samfest and Sunsplash festivals are considered to be the most popular festivals and are held in late summer.
You can highlight the Valley of Ferns. Over 25 successful species grow throughout the island. A popular spot on Zadvorki is a sparsely populated plateau in the center of the resort. This place acts as a heap of a different number of hills of a certain shape, separated by quiet ravines. The best souvenirs are local crafts.
Public transport is represented by high-speed buses, taxis and minibuses. The fare in transport is not high, in some cases you can use the services of a fixed-route taxi. There are no counters in local private taxis. Instead, a standard fare is charged. The cars of large enterprises are in a professional condition than those of other carriers.
Security in the country is at an ambiguous level. On a large territory of the resort, you can not worry about valuables, but if a tourist goes to a small town where thieves are operating, then it is better to be careful here.
It is not recommended to eat unwashed vegetables and fruits. Delicious roasted meat, vegetables and fruits are the safest food for tourists.