Of course, there are a lot of resorts. But this article will not talk about a simple resort near the shores of the warm sea, but about the place where, according to legend, the goddess of love and fertility Aphrodite appeared from the sea foam. This place is called the island of Cyprus, Greece.

Greece is where beauty was born. We all remember the myths of Ancient Greece, and we know very well that this country is called the country of “heroes and gods”. A bad traveler is the one who does not want to visit Greece. Few compares with the beauty and rich history of this country. The island of Cyprus is not only one of the most popular and most beautiful places in Greece, an excellent resort, but it is also the cradle of history, because it was near the island of Cyprus that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, was born.
What is the first place to visit on the island?
On a small island called Spinalonga, there was once a leper colony, where patients with leprosy were taken. This is a unique social project in history, since the patients did not just live there, they worked, and they were paid money. Of course, now this is no longer there, but everyone who rests in Greece should visit this place. The amazing beauty of nature and a large number of attractions have always attracted tourists here.
Another place worth visiting on the island is the city of Knossos. This is a very ancient city, but as if time itself did not touch it. The frescoes, which were painted many thousands of years ago, are still bright and all images are clearly visible on them.
It was here, near the island of Kythera, which is not far from Cyprus, that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, was born. The waves brought her to Cyprus, wherever the goddess walked, everything bloomed around. In this place is the famous bay of Aphrodite, a place that all tourists dream of visiting.
For lovers of outdoor activities, the Cypriot water park is perfect. There is a large number of various slides, attractions, everything around is in flowers. A real paradise for tourists, especially in the sultry heat, which is in Cyprus almost all year round.
Cyprus is an island resort. For eight months, he receives the main income from tourists, the rest of the time olives are mined in Cyprus, from which cosmetics, oils, and seasonings are made. In Cyprus, you can taste a special delicacy - sea urchin caviar.
Before going to the island of Cyprus, it is better to get acquainted with the local culture, learn more about the history of this country, and then the rest will be much more interesting. Cyprus, and the whole of Greece in general, is an amazing place where you can relax and enrich your inner life. After all, travel is the only thing that you buy richer. By purchasing a trip to the island of Cyprus, you become doubly richer, because it is an island of love and fertility.