Cyprus has great weather all summer. Myths say that Aphrodite was born on this island, and the sculptor Pygmalion created the statue and fell in love with it. Odysseus wandered here. Every year many tourists come here who prefer high-quality and reliable rest.

The first point of your trip is worthy of becoming a small town - Larnaca. In this village there is an airport, a few meters from which is Mackenzie Beach. Walk along the waterfront, lined with date palms, and dine at the waterfront tavern. Salt Lake - Larnaca - will captivate lovers of aesthetics and romantics. In this picturesque place, great photo shoots are obtained, there are many unusual birds, for example, a pink flamingo. Visit the church that was erected over the grave of Saint Lazarus, resurrected, according to Christian tradition, by Jesus Christ. Limassol is famous for winemaking, active nightlife, discos and gatherings in round-the-clock cafes and restaurants. The ancient city of Kourion is located 20 km from the city. The amphitheater has been very well preserved here, and performances and performances are held with enviable consistency and delight guests. This is the place where you can buy high quality woven lace. Climb to the observation deck for a panoramic view of the Old Town. A respectable public visits the Paphos resort. The beach of Aphrodite is especially popular here, but the shore and the bottom there are rocky. Mosaic of the 1st-2nd century A. D. BC, which is located in the archaeological park of Kato Paphos, fascinates with its unusual beauty.