Features of budget travel. How to save on travel, accommodation and meals?

Many people dream of traveling regularly. Unfortunately, the salary of the average Russian does not allow him to fully fulfill his dream. According to many ordinary people, the maximum that can be counted on in this situation is an annual vacation on the Russian sea or a vacation in Turkey. Today we will prove that this is not the case. We will talk about the most common ways of traveling the world for almost free.
The main items of expenses during any trip are:
- travel;
- accommodation;
- food.
So, what can and should be saved on?
This cost item is the first one faced by every traveler when planning their trip. The most budgetary option is hitchhiking, that is, moving between cities by passing cars. It is very popular in Europe and America. In recent years, this trend has been gaining popularity in our country as well.
Another alternative way to move around the world for free is to pay for air or train tickets using bonuses from the bank. For example, Sberbank offers to accumulate miles for purchasing goods using bank cards and exchange them for tickets. Each person during the year pays for purchases with his card for a decent amount. In this way, you can accumulate miles for several flights.
Depending on the duration of the trip, this cost item may be the largest for an ordinary traveler. How to avoid such mistakes and spend the night cheap (or even free) in another city (another country).
Tip: you can choose a hostel as your place of residence or join the couchsurfer community.
The hostel is a well-developed phenomenon in every city in Russia. A feature of this type of residence is the provision of only a bed without any additional amenities in the room. The room can accommodate up to 10 people at the same time.
Couchsurfing is a phenomenon that is only gaining popularity in our country. You can join the community at www.couchsurfing.org. The idea of the project is that any member of the community can spend the night with another member absolutely free of charge in any city in the world, but in return must receive guests in his apartment (house) under the same conditions.
Tip: When choosing a place to stay on www.couchsurfing.org, always look at reviews from previous guests.
The easiest way to save money on trips is to cook your own food. You don't have to go to cafes and restaurants when you can cook delicious and healthy food in the same hostel or in a rented couchsurfing apartment. It is better to buy groceries in large supermarkets, where it is possible to sell goods with great discounts.
Stick to these simple rules and then you can afford to visit more interesting and beautiful places than you could ever imagine.