When a person thinks about traveling to another country, the first question arises: where to live, what to eat, where to go and how not to spend a lot of money. Life hacks for people with a limited budget, for guys who are planning to go to study in another country, and, of course, for anyone who wants to save a little.

The main expenses in travel: flight, transportation, lodging, of course, food and interesting places and attractions.
1. Accommodation
You can easily avoid paying huge sums for hotels and hotels. The locals will gladly welcome you to their homes. A huge number of applications and websites have been specially created for such tourists, where travelers can find themselves an overnight stay for several days.
Service which is most popular: Couchsurfing.
Homeowners in different countries can provide the traveler with a room or just a place to sleep. This service is absolutely free.
2. Directions
For those who want to save money on travel, there is a hitchhiking. This method of travel can be called really safe in the USA, European countries, New Zealand and in our native Russia.
3. Excursions
If you did not know, then in almost ninety percent of the countries of Europe and the United States, as well as in Asia, there are absolutely free walking tours.
How to find such a tour? In Google, enter the query "Free walking tour (city name)".
4. Food
There is nothing at all when traveling - not an option. But the best way to save money is to cook for yourself. For comparison, in a cafe or restaurant, you will spend from 15 to 30 dollars on average at a time, for one trip to the store for one day, you will spend from 10 to 20 dollars.