Today, ponds, rivers and lakes are the only large bodies of water without sharks. In salt water, these predators live at different latitudes, depths and in any temperature conditions.

The safest resorts in the world
In the resorts of some countries, sharks are found even in fresh water. But still, there are seas in the world where these dangerous predators are absent or cases of their appearance in places where people swim are rare, while increased attention is paid to safety measures. These are the beaches that attract most tourists.
Barbados and its friendly beaches do not attract marine predators at all. For all the time the relevant statistics have been kept, the beaches of Barbados have never been marked by a shark attack on a person. Even surfers who swim much further than the average vacationer recognize these places as the safest in the world.
The beaches of the Irish Sea
We have never seen sharks in the area of one of the most famous British resorts - Blackpool. Rest in this area is considered quite prestigious and not cheap.
The beaches of this Spanish city are famous among tourists not only for the high level of recreation and luxurious service, but also for their safety in terms of shark attacks.
Canary Islands
Despite the fact that the beaches of the islands are washed by the ocean, predatory fish are surprisingly rare here. No one can even remember a case of contact with a shark.
Coast of italy
It's also a pretty safe place. Sharks are extremely rare here, and cases of attacks on humans have never been recorded.
Numerous resorts of the Krasnodar Territory and the Black Sea coast are also quite safe.
The embankments of the Australian cities of Perth and Broome are also considered safe in terms of attack by marine predators. This is quite surprising considering the fact that the beaches of the green continent are some of the most dangerous in the world. If sharks are found in these places, then most often they are representatives of calm, non-aggressive species to humans.
Seychelles, located in the central Indian Ocean, has been a safe holiday destination for tourists for more than half a century. However, in 2011 on one of the beaches of the resort there was a shark attack on people. The consequences were very dire - 2 people died. Scientists explain this behavior of the predator by uncontrolled fishing in this region, which led to a disruption in the food chain and the need to search for other food.
Beaches of the world that are best avoided
There are beaches in the world that are famous for the most dangerous. Places of significant concentration of sharks include:
- a beach near Australian Brisbane;
- the coast of Florida with a very mild climate and an ideal sandy bottom;
- California beaches, which attract dangerous predators with seal rookeries, are a favorite habitat for white sharks (the most dangerous species among marine predators);
- Hawaiian Islands, so popular with surfers;
- the coast of South Africa, the Bahamas and some beaches of Brazil.
These places are characterized not only by a large presence of sharks, but also by their aggressive behavior towards people.