It is known that with decreasing latitude, the level of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface rises. Human skin responds to exposure to sunlight with a protective reaction, covering itself with a tan. If you are going to spend a vacation in the south, it is worth stocking up on protective equipment, taking into account the geographical latitude of the chosen resort and the capabilities of your own body.

When planning a vacation in the south, it is worth consulting a doctor regarding the wisdom of such a step. Sunbathing is not beneficial for people with coronary artery disease, thyroid dysfunctions and certain skin conditions. It makes sense to prepare in advance means that will help to painlessly endure the southern sun: a protective cream suitable for the skin type, clothes made of linen or cotton fabric and glasses with lenses that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation.
Sunburn is a protective reaction of the body, in which, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the growth of epidermal cells containing melanin is enhanced. However, the ability to produce this pigment is not the same in people of different phototypes. Those with very light skin and light or red hair are the least protected from UV radiation. For a comfortable stay in the sun, people of this type are advised to use a sun protection cream with a maximum value of the Sun Protection Factor, or SPF. For light-skinned brown-haired or blondes without freckles, who have some tendency to sunburn, a cream with an SPF index of thirty will help. For brown-eyed owners of dark skin, a protective agent with an SPF value of fifteen units is suitable, if the maximum value of this index for the selected line of cosmetics is sixty. For dark-skinned brunettes, as a rule, a protective product with a minimum SPF value is sufficient.
The intensity of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface increases with decreasing latitude. If in a zone with a temperate climate there are from 100 to 150 milliwatts of ultraviolet radiation per square centimeter of the earth's surface, then in the equatorial regions this value can reach 400 milliwatts. For a comfortable stay in the southern sun, a high degree of protection will be required. As a rule, when moving one degree of latitude towards the equator, it is recommended to increase the SPF of the protector by a couple of units.
A protective cream is applied to the skin half an hour before going to the beach. On the surface of the skin, equal to the area of the palm, you will need as much cream as will fit on the nail phalanx of the finger. Being under the southern sun, it is worth renewing the protective layer every two to three hours. It is better not to use decorative cosmetics and perfume before going to the beach.
Morning and evening hours are considered to be the most suitable for getting a tan. It is not recommended to stay in direct sunlight from 11 am to 4 pm. The duration of tanning sessions should be increased gradually. For the first time, five minutes on the beach will be sufficient, preferably under an umbrella or awning, as sunburning UV rays can reflect off the surface of the water, sand and surrounding objects. This radiation is especially well reflected from the white sand, characteristic of a number of beaches in Australia, Spain, America and Greece.
Water lets in a fair amount of ultraviolet radiation. To avoid sunburn, before a long swim in the sea, it is worth applying a waterproof protective agent to the body, and after contact with water, dry the skin with a towel. After returning from the beach, you will need to rinse off the protectant and use a moisturizer.