A bronze tan is a nice bonus to a summer trip to a seaside resort. However, the regularity and duration of sunbathing on the southern coast during holidays can provoke the appearance of burns and dermatological diseases. The skin, like the entire human body, in order to adapt to such weather conditions, must undergo an acclimatization process. However, if you help her adapt to the hot sun, she will reciprocate in the form of a refined and even chocolate shade.

The skin of the inhabitants of the south, as a rule, is less susceptible to excess sunlight - after all, it receives an impressive dose of ultraviolet radiation every summer. For those who live outside the southern latitudes, it is too sensitive - just one hour spent in the sun threatens them with redness and severe peeling of the skin. In order for the beach season to bring not soreness of the skin, but a perfect tan, you need to properly prepare for a trip to the resort.
So that you do not "get burned" under the hot rays, the body has a special immune "signaling". Imagine - you worked in the office for a whole year, being at your workplace from morning to evening. "Communication" with the sun is minimized. Arriving at the sea for ten to fifteen days, you are trying to compensate for this shortage by spending many hours of uninterrupted stay on the beach. Only a human body with a strong immune system can resist this - only it is capable of producing enough melanin for the proper "assimilation" of ultraviolet radiation and its transformation into a luxurious tan. If you had an infectious disease before a tourist trip, or your immunity has never been stable, start drinking a multivitamin complex about a month before your vacation. Make sure it contains vitamins A, B₆ and PP.
Use a self-tanner a week before your first beach trip. "Outwit" the sun - visit a beauty salon or apply auto bronzer yourself. Dark skin is not subject to burning, tan lays on it quickly and painlessly. However, if you have dry skin, remember to use a UV-protected cream or lotion.
Temporarily stop using the scrub. Regular exfoliation thins the top layer of the epidermis and reduces the skin's natural self-defense. Passion for deep cleansing of pores and getting rid of dead cells will play a cruel joke with you - you will blush at the first time you go to the beach or “turn into” a spotted leopard.