For a whole year, a significant part of Russians have been waiting for the most pleasant moment - a vacation and a trip to the sea. And now this time comes, and most are unprepared for the trip, including because they do not know what to take with them on the road.

On the road - only what you need
The question of how to properly pack a suitcase for travel plays an important role in preparing for the trip. In this matter, the main thing is minimalism, so as not to drag too much like a pack donkey, but at the same time everything should be at hand, especially if you are planning a trip abroad.
Remember, heavy bags can cloud any journey. If you are planning to go on a package tour, then you will have to carry all the bags yourself. And even if you go by private transport, you shouldn't take a lot either.
Take from things only the most necessary, as on vacation you will probably want to please yourself with a new thing. Female representatives should take no more than two sundresses for going to the beach and a couple of evening or cocktail dresses. A pair of T-shirts, shorts, a tunic or a pareo will be a must, it is worth grabbing a sweater or windbreaker for cool evenings. In addition, do not forget about the mosquitoes that commit atrocities in the evenings, so do not please insects with open areas of the body. You can take light, light-colored trousers.
It is better if your items of clothing will be combined with each other so that they can be worn in different situations, for example, during lunch in a cafe or in a restaurant in the evening. You can grab one skirt and shirt, which is suitable for both warm and cool evenings.
For going to the beach
Do you want to be bright? Take a tunic with a floral print, in it you will always be relevant on the beach. All clothes should be made of natural fabrics, say no to synthetics to feel comfortable under the scorching sun. Be sure to take something white - it always looks beautiful and saves you from the heat.
Girls, as a rule, take five swimsuits for a ten-day vacation. You should not do this, since you will not have time to put everything on anyway. Take a maximum of two, like a one-piece and a bikini, for variety.
On the road, things wrinkle, so do not be too lazy to take with you a small iron and a bag of powder.
At sea, sunglasses and a hat, for example, a hat or a light-colored panama, are useful. Bring a bathrobe for your time in the room.
For footwear, sandals and flip-flops for the beach, as well as sandals for walking are required. If there is room left in your suitcase, take a pair of closed shoes, socks - useful in case of rain. Of course, no girl goes to a resort without makeup. Take sunblock and after, mascara, perfume. Don't forget your personal hygiene products.