Nature is the true wealth of Russia. Endless steppes, dense forests, picturesque swamps, high proud mountains, and, of course, the amazing beauty of the lake: all this attracts tourists. There are several lakes in Russia that can be called not just large, but even gigantic.

Caspian Sea
Despite the fact that the Caspian is called the sea, in reality it is a lake. The reservoir lost contact with other seas, and it became an ecological disaster. Nevertheless, this allowed him to get on the list of lakes. The water level in the Caspian Sea is constantly changing, it dropped especially strongly in the last century. It is interesting that in the northern part of the Caspian the water is already practically fresh, and in general, the salinity there is about three times lower than the average oceanic one.
The undoubted leader in the list of lakes is Baikal. This is not only the largest lake, but also the deepest, 1640 m. It is located on a tectonic rift. Due to such a depth, Baikal does not get warm for comfortable swimming every year. It happens that in July the water temperature is quite low. The area of the lake is 31.7 thousand square meters. m. Baikal is famous not only for its size, but also for the fact that the water in the lake is very clean, and in the vicinity of the lake there are such species of animals and plants that you cannot find elsewhere.
Ladoga lake
Ladoga is one of the two large lakes in Karelia. Its area is about 17.6 thousand square meters. m, but the depth of the lake is not so great, in some places it reaches 203 m. This lake is one of the largest in Europe. It is in Lake Ladoga that the Neva originates, and 35 other rivers feed it.
Lake Onega
Onega is the second lake in Karelia. Its area is 9, 7 thousand square meters. m, the depth is almost half that in Ladoga, 127 m. Along the shores of Lake Onega, you can see not only amazingly beautiful landscapes, but also numerous cultural and historical sights.
Lake Taimyr
Lake Taimyr is located in Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Almost the whole year the surface of Taimyr is covered with ice, so it is not easy to see the water surface of the lake. At the same time, the climate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is rather harsh, and in winter almost all of Taimyr freezes to the very bottom. The area of the lake is constantly changing, the maximum recorded is 4, 56 thousand square meters. m. The depth of Lake Taimyr is 26 m.
Lake Khanka
Khanka is a lake, the shores of which Russia shares with China. Its area is approximately 4.07 thousand square meters. m, and the greatest depth is 11 m. This lake is a major tourist attraction. The reservoir is home to many species of fish, but because of the indefatigable fishing, some of them were included in the Red Book.
Other large lakes
There are other, rather large lakes in Russia. They are all famous for their beauty. For example, this is the salt lake Chany in the Novosibirsk region, Beloe Lake in the Vologda region, Topozero in the north of Karelia, Ilmen in the Novgorod region.