Russia is rich in beautiful places and picturesque nature, and the rivers, reservoirs and lakes of the country are the best suited for an interesting and pleasant pastime in the fresh air.

The choice of places for recreation is simply huge, since there are nine lake regions on the territory of Russia. The greatest asset is the deepest lake Baikal, and the largest, surrounded by unsurpassed nature, are the Caspian, Ladoga and Onega lakes. As a rule, they contain fresh water, but there are also those that, under the influence of the arid climate, sharply decrease, as a result of which the water becomes salty, and in some - Elton and Baskunchak, table salt is even mined.
Their formation and forms are also unique, they arose after blockages in mountain valleys, as a result of subsidence of rocks of a loose structure, after which they acquired an interesting shape in the form of a saucer, they can be seen in Siberia, during the melting of glaciers in permafrost regions, on the floodplains of lowland rivers and etc. You can see their shape and location on the map of Russian lakes.
All of them are rich in minerals, around the lakes, as a rule, there are national parks or reserves with enchanting nature and the cleanest air. Rest on the lake can be varied, those who like fishing in the Caspian can catch a valuable sturgeon, on Baikal - omul and other various types of fish in all lakes of the country.
Adherents of cultural, calm and quiet rest, far from the bustle and noisy metropolis, can also rest on the lake, because on the shores of many of them there are modern, comfortable and comfortable sanatoriums and rest houses.
Thus, when planning a weekend or vacation, it is not at all necessary to go to distant countries; you can visit fascinating and beautiful places in Russia in an interesting and healthy way.