There are fewer and fewer water basins on our planet that can "boast" of their primordiality and purity. On the territory of Russia, there are still a sufficient number of such places, and they attract ecotourists from various countries.

The true "lord" among all the clean lakes of Russia is Lake Baikal, which also has a palm tree all over the world due to its large-scale size. The water in it is fresh and pure so much that it is practically distilled. Many species of fish found their habitat in its waters, including those rarely found on the continent - omul and sturgeon. The Baikal seal is a striking representative of the animal world on the lake islands, which is unique in itself, since it is a marine mammal that is not found inside the continents. This lake is one of the oldest in the world, thanks to which it has "overgrown" with dozens of legends that local residents can share.
Fans of diving have long chosen the shores and islands of Turgoyak - one of the cleanest and most picturesque lakes in the Urals. With the transparency of its waters, it can compete, perhaps, only with Lake Baikal. During the tourist season, many connoisseurs of ancient history wish to see with their own eyes the mysterious buildings - megaliths, which are more than 6 thousand years old, discovered on one of the islands - Vera. These stone structures are built on the principle of the Egyptian pyramids - without mortars and connecting stakes. Historians from all over the world are still arguing about their origin.
The absence of large industrial enterprises has preserved the ecology of Lake Onega, located in Karelia. Fishing enthusiasts will be pleased with various types of freshwater fish that live here in abundance - from ruffs and crucians to salmon. The stony and rocky shores of the lake, surrounded by coniferous forests, create a fabulous atmosphere and immerse you in the Viking era. The size of the lake is so large that it is considered a European sea-lake, where there are both large destructive storms and calm with a mirror-like surface. Many inhabitants of megalopolises strive to these places for extreme rest and enjoyment of clean air and unique nature, which Karelia is known for.