It has long been known that a foreign citizen needs a visa to enter the territory of another state. Russia also adheres to these international rules. Therefore, if you decide to invite relatives or friends from abroad, first of all you should worry about getting them a visa to enter Russian territory. Yes, it’s for you. Because you need an invitation to get a visa.

Step 1
A private invitation is sent by an interested person to his guest in the following cases: for a meeting with distant relatives or friends, if necessary, business contacts with a specific person, an invitation to close family members (separated families), to visit the burial places of relatives, cross-border exchange and in special cases (emergency treatment, death of a close relative, etc.)
It should be especially noted that private invitations are issued only if they do not conflict with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
To obtain a private invitation, you must contact the OUFMS at your place of residence (permanent registration). You must have with you: a copy of your passport, a spread with a photo; a special questionnaire filled out in Russian and Latin letters; a copy of the passport of the invited citizen; the name of the city where the Russian consulate is located where your guest will receive the invitation.
Step 3
It usually takes about 30 days to issue an invitation. Then the original is handed directly into the hands of the invited foreigner, after which the procedure for obtaining a visa to visit Russia begins.
Step 4
A private visitor visa can only be single entry and is issued for a period of up to 3 months. A private visa can take up to 3-4 months. This is a long and complicated procedure. Therefore, experts advise to issue not a guest, but a tourist visa. You can get a tourist visa in a travel agency, according to the concluded agreement. Consular agreements between countries in relation to tourism business greatly simplify the procedure.
Step 5
It should be noted that for citizens of Ukraine it is not necessary to issue a private invitation, because between our countries there is a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and Ukraine, which allows visa-free entry of citizens of both countries.