How Much Currency Can Be Exported From Russia

How Much Currency Can Be Exported From Russia
How Much Currency Can Be Exported From Russia

Every time you go on a trip abroad, a natural and quite relevant question arises - how much currency can be exported legally, so as not to get into a difficult situation and not spoil your trip abroad for yourself or your loved ones.

How to get foreign currency out of Russia?
How to get foreign currency out of Russia?

How much cash can be exported from Russia with mandatory declaration

An individual can take out of the country an amount of up to ten thousand US dollars or the equivalent of this amount with a mandatory declaration, however, no certificates, confirmations or other documents about the origin of the funds in your hands are required to be submitted to the customs authority.

How much cash can be taken out of Russia without a declaration

An individual can take out of the country up to three thousand US dollars or the equivalent of this amount without any declaration, and no certificates, confirmations or other documents about the origin of the funds in your hands are required to be submitted to the customs authority.

However, it is especially important to remember that the successful export of currency from Russia does not guarantee its successful import into the country where you are going to arrive, so be sure to check the currency control rules of the place where you are going before traveling.

How much can you take out non-cash currency from Russia

As much as you like, if you follow these tips:

Non-cash currency can be taken out on your bank card. In theory, all the money in your account can be withdrawn from ATMs in another country. The only thing you need to know for sure is that your card will be valid in the country where you plan to use it. It is important for you to clarify the limits for cash withdrawal at your bank, as well as at ATMs in the host country. This method is the most reliable, but fraught with unpredictability of commissions of local ATMs for cash withdrawals, especially in exotic countries.

Another reliable way is to take out cash in traveller's checks of one of the large companies that specialize in such services. You exchange your cash in Russia and then exchange checks in the host country. This is a great way with a fixed commission percentage. Traveler's checks are not official means of payment, so nothing prevents, in theory, from taking out an unlimited number of traveler's checks outside the country and exchanging them for cash at the very first point of receipt.

In any case, it is best to use only legal methods of exporting money from Russia and carefully prepare for this operation and trip, your safety depends on this.
