Flora And Fauna Of The Moscow Region

Flora And Fauna Of The Moscow Region
Flora And Fauna Of The Moscow Region

The Moscow region is located in the zone of deciduous and coniferous-deciduous forests. Forests occupy almost 40% of the region's territory; therefore, plants and animals of the Moscow Region are typical representatives of woodlands and the extreme south of the taiga zone.

Flora and fauna of the Moscow region
Flora and fauna of the Moscow region

Flora of the Moscow region

Most of the plant species of the Moscow region, due to the peculiarities of the natural conditions and soils of the region, do not grow in isolation, but form interconnected plant communities. By the nature of the vegetation, the territory of the region is conditionally divided into several districts, each of which has its own characteristics. This is a forest-steppe stretching along the southern edge of the Moscow region, practically free of forests; swamps and pine forests, which are located near the eastern border of the region; spruce forests bordering the northern border; as well as deciduous forests located slightly south of Moscow, near the border with Meshchera.

Of the most common plants of the first tier, it is worth highlighting the European spruce, Norway maple, pedunculate oak, common ash and linden. The second layer of vegetation in the Moscow Region is represented by euonymus, hazel, viburnum, bird cherry and elderberry. The third tier of the region is occupied mainly by lingonberries, blueberries, cannabis, sour, hoofed grass, lily of the valley, cereal plants, lungwort and many species of fern. The very last, fourth tier of the flora of the Moscow region is represented by sphagnum, flax, various mosses and lichens.

Fauna of the Moscow region

Animals of the Moscow region are typical representatives of woodlands. Among the large herbivores, the most widespread are moose, deer, roe deer, and wild boars. Among the small omnivores, hares, flying squirrels, hedgehogs and ermines can be found in the region. Predators are represented by weasels, minks, foxes, wolves, martens and raccoon dogs. About 30 species of rodents live in the Moscow region, of which the most common are sleepyheads, yellow-throated mice, shrews, ground squirrels and jerboas.

There are 6 types of reptiles in the region: viviparous lizard, nimble lizard, fragile spindle, common snake, common viper and copperhead. A rather large number of amphibians also live here - newts, toads (green and gray), garlic, frogs (sharp-mouthed, grass, pond and lake), as well as toads.

About 300 species of birds live in the Moscow region, such as the oriole, thrush, nightingale, woodpecker, owl, tit, corncrake, quail, lapwing, crane, white stork, heron and various species of wild ducks.

Insect areas are also numerous, with over 500 species. Basically, various types of butterflies, bees, bumblebees, ground beetles, locusts, beetles, flies and ants are widespread here.

About 40 species of fish live in the lakes and rivers of the Moscow region. Almost all fish of the carp and perch families are found here, as well as trout, grayling, pike, eel, catfish, stickleback, burbot and lamprey.
