Electric trains and trains remain one of the most convenient ways to get to some cities, for example, to Yaroslavl, if you go from Moscow. But before the trip, you should check the train schedule, if you do not want to come to the station and wait for several hours.

How can I find out the schedule
Since passenger traffic on this section is carried out by only one company - Russian Railways, it will not be difficult to find out the transport schedule. You can do this in several ways: go to the station and check there, look on the Internet or call the information desk.
How to find out the train schedule at the station or in the information desk
To find out the timetable at the station, you need to go there and contact the help desk. The employee will tell you about the trains between Moscow and Yaroslavl on the selected date, and will also inform you if there are free seats on the flights.
In the recent past, finding out about the movement of trains at the station was almost the only way, since there were no sites with timetables on the Internet yet, and often no one answered the phone.
You can also check the timetable at the information terminals that are currently installed at every major train station. By entering the points of departure and arrival and choosing the desired date, you can find out the schedule and availability on your own. All vending machines are divided into information terminals, in which you can only find out information, and vending machines for buying tickets, where obtaining a timetable is one of the intermediate steps in obtaining a travel document.
You can also call from home to the unified Russian Railways reference service, its number: 8-800-775-00-00. The call is free from any regions of the Russian Federation. Additionally, you can use the help desk of the station you have chosen, for this you need to find out its phone number and call there.
How to find out the schedule on the Internet
To find out everything about which trains run on the required date between the selected stations, the easiest way is through the Internet, using one of the reference sites. The official source of information is the Russian Railways website, its address is rzd.ru. The problem with this site is that it does not always work correctly, and the search on it sometimes turns out to be slow and not the most convenient.
Be careful, if you buy tickets on the Internet, then without a commission it can be done only on the website rzd.ru, other services charge an additional fee.
You can use alternative sites that show the timetable of trains and electric trains, it is usually much easier to search on them. The most convenient services include tutu.ru and rasp.yandex.ru.
In addition to the schedule, on all sites you can clarify additional information there, for example, what stops the train or electric train makes on the way, at what time you will get to your destination, and so on.