Large-scale railroad repairs sometimes cause unpleasant changes in commuter train schedules for passengers. As a result, at times, despite objective reasons, unflattering statements are poured into the address of railway workers. Especially when you have to wait indefinitely on the platform for a temporarily canceled train.

It is necessary
computer (telephone) with Internet access
Step 1
There is no doubt that the situation when you are going on a trip, and it fell through due to the sudden cancellation of the train, is unpleasant. But if you wish, you can make it a little easier for yourself if you ask in advance if any changes are expected in the schedule of suburban electric trains.
Step 2
This can be done in several ways. In the first case, telephone communication will come to the rescue. Call the train station information desk and find out how the trains will run on the day you want.
Step 3
You can also visit the station a few days before the planned trip and find out about the plans of the railway workers for the coming days. As a rule, when making changes to the train schedule, passengers are notified in advance. Announcements of possible schedule shifts and cancellations of trains are usually posted near the cashier's window or in a prominent place next to the schedule.
Step 4
The special application “Yandex. Electric Trains”, which collects and updates information on the movement of electric trains in more than 60 regions of Russia, Armenia, Lithuania and other union republics. To start using the application, enter the address in the address bar of your mobile phone browser and go to the installation page. Or, from your computer, type and in the special field enter your phone number to receive a link to download the Yandex. Electric trains.
Step 5
You can also find out the information you need about the movement of suburban electric trains, about making changes to the schedule of their movement by contacting the Unified Service Center of Russian Railways at 8-800-775-00-00. The telephone is round-the-clock. Calls to this number are free of charge.
Step 6
For active Internet users, there is an excellent opportunity to go to the Russian Railways website, select the desired branch (direction, your region) and go to the News section, where all information about possible changes in the timetable is posted.