Travel Across Russia. Dargavs - City Of Dead

Travel Across Russia. Dargavs - City Of Dead
Travel Across Russia. Dargavs - City Of Dead

In North Ossetia, in a picturesque gorge, on the side of a mountain, stands the City of the Dead - Dargavs. This is one of the largest necropolises in the Caucasus. Dargavs is located in a secluded place, far from settlements, since from time immemorial it was believed that there was no need to disturb the dead, and if anyone dared to do this, he would not return back. Local old-timers are still bypassing these lands.


The Dargavs ritual complex consists of almost a hundred crypts of various shapes and sizes; the oldest tombs date back to the 14th century. It is considered the oldest architectural monument and is under state protection, but there are not many who want to visit the ancient necropolis. There are no graves that are familiar to us, the bodies were brought into the crypt and remained there for natural mummification. This was successfully facilitated by the local climate and the special arrangement of the tombs.

tombs of Dargavs
tombs of Dargavs

Until now, looking inside the crypts, you can see the remains of the dead. Many of them were buried on wooden boxes, more like boats than coffins. Scientists believe that the reason for this unusual method of burial is the belief that the deceased after death must cross the river to get to the afterlife. Next to the bodies of the deceased, archaeologists have found - dishes, ceramics, arrows, axes, knives, fabrics … On many of the deceased, even after centuries, the remains of clothing are well preserved.

mummies of Dargavs
mummies of Dargavs

Under many tombs, huge underground wells were found, into which the decayed remains were lowered to make way for the new ones who left this world. Scientists have found that in the Middle Ages, during the plague epidemic, many of the sick voluntarily immured themselves in such crypts so as not to contribute to the spread of the disease. For a long time, visiting Dargavs was considered dangerous because of the remains of several thousand people who died from the plague. Only in the second half of the XX century, this place was recognized as safe and open to the public.

view of Dargavs
view of Dargavs

If you are a big fan of everything unusual and surprising, then this place will plunge you into the atmosphere of secrets, mysteries and legends. And the landscapes of the surroundings will bring a lot of pleasure to connoisseurs of natural beauty.
