Where Is The Dead Sea

Where Is The Dead Sea
Where Is The Dead Sea

Dead does not mean completely devoid of inhabitants and any claim to the existence of life, one of the most beautiful seas in the world was called dead because of the high content of mineral and other salts.

Where is the dead sea
Where is the dead sea

Between Israel and Palestine

Located just between several countries that use this world's lowest body of water to organize a resort area, such as Israel, Palestine and Jordan, the Dead Sea stretches for 67 kilometers, while being only 18,000 meters wide. Despite its peculiarities, the reservoir is considered one of the deepest salty seas in the world, its depth is about 377 meters.

Salts make the local water more than 8 times saltier than the water of the world's oceans.

The "salty" feature of the unique Dead Sea is explained by natural factors, because the only source of incoming water is the Jordan River. The sea simply does not have other communicating reservoirs for water exchange. The water that arrives here does not leave, and thanks to the hot and arid climate, it evaporates, leaving its salts and minerals as a gift.

Salt for health

The sea has long been considered a source of health. The atmosphere that has formed around this reservoir, saturated with useful substances, is considered absolutely hypoallergenic, the pressure is slightly higher than the norm, and the structural features cause a reduced content of ultraviolet radiation found in the radiation. The waters themselves have a mysterious blue metallic luster and are distinguished by visual density, and the pillars of salt that form on the banks are overgrown with interesting myths and legends, one of which is the biblical story of the escape of Lot, whose wife, tempted by curiosity, was turned into one of these stone statues, which, according to legend, should still be somewhere on the banks of the reservoir.

Since the era of the ancient world, the Dead Sea for people has been the main supplier of balms, fertilizers and other gifts that Mother Nature could only present. It is interesting that even the process of mummification of the Egyptian pharaohs could not do without the help of a reservoir, which became for the Egyptians a source of unique natural bitumen, or, as it is also called, natural asphalt.

Once in the waters of the Dead Sea, you can relax and sit down, because even drowning in its waters is not so easy.

The natural representatives of the fauna that can be found in the waters of this peculiar sea-lake are bacteria and salt-loving microorganisms. Once on the shores of the Dead Sea, you can immediately feel the peculiar smell of sulfur, see the mysterious haze that the reservoir is covered with. You can't hear birds singing here, it's hot and dry.
