Lake Nakuru National Park. Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park. Kenya
Lake Nakuru National Park. Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the best nature reserves in Kenya and is considered one of the most unique places on the planet. The main pearl of the park is Lake Nakuru, which attracts an endless number of tourists from around the world all year round.

Lake Nakuru
Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru is located in Central Kenya, 140 km northwest of Nairobi, in the Rift Valley province near the city of Nakuru. The park itself is located around Lake Nakuru and covers an area of 188 square kilometers.

The water of Lake Nakuru is richly saturated with soda and salt, has a dark green color, unpleasant and even sticky. The lake is home to only one species of fish, several species of algae and small crustaceans. During the food-rich season, more than one and a half million small flamingos flock here - these are the most numerous flocks of birds in the world. The local flamingos are distinguished by their bright pink color, such an unusual color to their plumage is given by a special pigment contained in the shells of crustaceans.


In addition to flamingos, about 400 different species of birds live on the territory of the reserve, among them. But Nakuru National Park is famous not only for birds.

The fauna is also very rich and varied -.


A huge number of ungulates attracts predators - On one of the shores of the lake, colonies of baboons have settled, which hunt flamingos. In the forest of Nakuru Park, huge pythons, which can often be seen crawling along the road or hanging from the branches of trees, do well.


Independent movement around the reserve is strictly prohibited, excursions are only accompanied by an experienced instructor, with the exception of special viewing platforms. You can visit Lake Nakuru National Park at any time of the year.

An unforgettable experience awaits you here - after all, no zoo in the world can compare with the place where all animals and birds live in their usual habitat.
