Will They Be Released Abroad If There Is A Debt To Pay Utility Bills

Will They Be Released Abroad If There Is A Debt To Pay Utility Bills
Will They Be Released Abroad If There Is A Debt To Pay Utility Bills

Restricting the right to travel abroad is one of the measures of influence on those who are in arrears on loans, transfers to social funds, fines, utility payments or alimony. However, this measure is not always applied and not to everyone.

The border guard will check if enforcement proceedings have been initiated
The border guard will check if enforcement proceedings have been initiated

Who makes the decision

Border control officers have no right not to let you go abroad if they do not have a prescription for this. The existence of a debt in itself cannot serve as a basis for restricting the right to leave. The corresponding decision is made by the judicial authorities, and the legislation provides for a certain sequence of actions. A court decision that the debtor is obliged to reimburse the debts is not enough in this case.

How does this happen

If you have a large arrears of apartment payments, the management company and resource providers have the right to sue you. The amount of debt is regulated by the Housing Code. It may vary by amendments, therefore, after receiving a subpoena, do not forget to clarify this issue. There is no need to count on judicial delays in this case, cases on claims of utilities are considered very quickly. At the same time, you should not try to evade participation in the court session, since such a decision can be made without you. The court order will state that you are obliged to pay off the debt within a certain period. This decision is not a basis for restricting the right to travel abroad. In many regions, there is a practice of debt restructuring, so you can sign an agreement with the utilities that you agree to pay the amount of debt in installments within a certain time frame.

If you have not complied with the judgment

If you pay your debts carefully, you can safely go on a trip abroad, no one will stop you at the border. It is a different matter if you do not comply with the court decision. Then your creditor has the right to contact the local office of the Federal Bailiff Service. Then enforcement proceedings will be opened and a decision can be made on how to collect debts from you. But even in this case, it is not at all necessary that the restriction of the right to travel abroad will become a measure of influence on the debtor. The legislation provides for other measures as well. For example, bailiffs can describe property, seize a car, seize a bank account.

So that there are no surprises

If you paid the debt after the enforcement proceedings were opened and the decision was made not to let you go abroad, do not forget to notify the bailiffs that you have paid everything. Neither the bank nor the utilities will take care of this. To report your actions to the bailiffs, you just need to come to the local office and show the paid receipts.
