Where Is The Navel Of The Earth?

Where Is The Navel Of The Earth?
Where Is The Navel Of The Earth?

Many have heard of the expression "the navel of the Earth", but they applied this concept exclusively to people in the aspect of exposing their selfish and vain manifestations. But it is important to know that in its literal sense, this phraseological unit correlates with a very specific geographical point, located, by the way, on the territory of Russia.

The navel of the Earth in all its charm
The navel of the Earth in all its charm

It is strange that among the popular tourist routes covering the most remarkable places in various countries of the world, the "navel of the Earth" is not the most elite place. Perhaps this is due to the low awareness of the world's population about this unique geographic object. Or maybe this place should live its own quiet and comfortable life, so as not to turn into another place of wild pilgrimage, thereby preserving its exotic and pristine appearance.

It is logical to assume

Since the Earth is not at all a monotonous object in terms of its geographic, climatic, economic, political, ethnic, state and social living conditions of people, it is logical to assume that there are the most comfortable thematic places on it. Naturally, identifying such a cozy place requires applying a logical principle.

In this context, it is appropriate to look at the world map, where the continents and oceans are located in an understandable order. Immediately striking is the global scale of the Pacific Ocean and the continent of Eurasia. Bearing in mind that the planet's magnetic fields are also not entirely uniform, logic suggests focusing precisely on the place where these giant land and water formations meet, where two powerful elements must collide, forming a unique energy balance.

So, the Far East in all its glory stretches from the Bering Strait to Singapore. The ethnic composition of the indigenous people of this part of the Earth is quite homogeneous. Representatives of the Mongoloid race have chosen the Far Eastern coast from the equator to the Arctic. However, the Russian Far East, in view of the well-known historical events, starting from the 17th century, began to be populated mainly by representatives of the Caucasian race, which can be conditionally called Russians.

Travel on the map

Since only the Russian Far East received a ticket to a "new life" due to understandable migration processes, it is precisely this circumstance that should first of all stand in the search for a domestic Eldorado. Having narrowed the search object to the Far Eastern coast of our country, you can place special emphasis exclusively on its southern part, where the subtropical climate, although darkened by the cold currents of the Sea of Japan, still corresponds to the concept of geographical comfort.

So, the south of the Primorsky Territory is a fairly relief coastline, dotted with numerous bays, each of which can claim the title of "navel of the Earth". However, Nakhodka Bay is simply amazing. A cognac glass (or snifter) in its ideal shape, increased to the size of an area of 140 square kilometers, is capable of capturing the imagination of even a sophisticated geographer or tourist.

The very name of the geographical object already contains the magic of perception. All the aspirations of a tourist paradise are realized here. Of all the thirteen seas washing the territory of Russia, it is here that the richest flora and fauna is located, and the picturesque landscapes will outshine any exotic corner of the Earth.

Nakhodka Bay (a find is something suitable, valuable, successful) and Wrangel Bay in it (Wrangel is the gate of angels), by their etymology, already unambiguously form the desired leitmotif of this romantic place where the soul sings. Having been here once, no one can then get rid of obsessive thoughts to stay in the "navel of the Earth" forever.
