Latvia, or officially the Republic of Latvia, has a relatively small area of 64, 589 thousand square kilometers, where a large number of attractions are located. This travel direction has not lost its popularity for many years. Moreover, it will be quite difficult to see all the interesting places of the country in one visit to Latvia.

Step 1
Of course, the main concentration of Latvian sights is Riga. In addition to a large number of rather picturesque buildings located in a small square of the historical center of the city, upon arriving in the capital, you can also visit the Baldone mud resort located not far from the capital. The palace of the Dukes of Courland with a picturesque park in Rundale, the very impressive Church of the Holy Spirit of the 16th century and the Mezotne Palace of the 17th century, just 10 kilometers from Riga, are also interesting to visit. The Lielupe district also houses the residence of the Russian ambassador to Latvia and the impressive architecture of the von Herkan House.
Step 2
A large number of Russians every year aspire to the resort Jurmala, in order not only to relax on the beaches of the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea, but also to sunbathe, breathe fresh air, visit sanatoriums or hospitals. Having visited this city, you can also go with an excursion to the castles and other memorable places located near the city.
Step 3
History buffs will 100% "like" the Latvian region of Kurzeme, located in the western part of the Baltic country. The largest cities in this area are Ventspils, Liepaja and Kuldinge. The latter is mentioned in the historical chronicles of the XIII century and attracts guests who want to see the famous Stone Bridge over the fast river Venta. There is also the Edole Palace, built at the end of the 13th century, the ruins of a fortress 2 kilometers from the city, as well as the widest Venta Rumba waterfall in all of Europe. In Kurzeme, there is also a small settlement Talsi, which houses the medieval Dundaga castle and a beautiful statue dedicated to the Latvian celebrity Arvydas von Blumenfelds. Arriving in this area of the country, you can book a bus tour of the valleys of the Abava and Venta rivers, in which you should see the Jaunmoku Castle, the Forest Museum in Tukums, as well as numerous vineyards.
Step 4
In the northeast direction from Riga, there is another historical region - Vidzeme. The most popular here are the National Botanical Garden in Salaspils, Dole Island with a stunning natural park, and the Daugava Museum. The most romantic city in this region in terms of its atmosphere is Cesis, not far from which there is also a settlement where the future Empress Catherine I was born. a quantity that will amaze even the most jaded traveler.