Europe is one of the most attractive holiday destinations. In addition, it has a well-developed tourist network and offers its customers a variety of types of recreation. You can go skiing, take part in excursions to historical sites, or simply sunbathe and swim at the seaside resorts.

One of the most interesting types of tourism that European travel companies offer us is bus tours across Europe with an excursion program. The routes of these tours are laid through the most interesting historical sites, famous cities and countries. You can learn and see a lot of interesting things. During its long existence, Europe has accumulated many sights and ancient monuments.
But this type of travel is designed for the amateur, since it has a number of both advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage is the affordable low cost of travel. Having paid not so much money, you can visit many places and admire the sights and architectural monuments of several countries at once. And all this in one bus ride. In addition, when buying a bus tour, you do not have to rack your brains over the route, places of rest, accommodation and food. The travel company will do it for you.
There is also a significant disadvantage in this type of travel. It is possible that the trip from one place to another will take longer than planned - traffic jams, traffic restrictions, and the like. You will spend most of your tour en route, which is quite exhausting. And from long trips, motion sickness is possible.
If the route is chosen correctly, including the duration of the trip itself, then the journey will be successful. Therefore, if you have chosen a bus tour for the first time, then try not to visit many countries at once - limit yourself to two or three. Avoid travel that involves moving at night. Unaccustomed, you will quickly get tired. More countries can be visited. But you need to be ready to get up early, stay up late, eat when you have to, and check into hotels at any time. But how much interesting and informative you will see.
Each age group has its own bus route. They are also calculated for the income of travelers. That is, everyone can choose a suitable trip to Europe for themselves. For those who have the opportunity to spend a fairly large amount of money on a trip, there are exclusive tours.