The constant companion of the modern tourist is a mobile assistant in the form of a smartphone or tablet. Indeed, electronic cards are much more convenient and informative than paper ones. They know how to route and update. We have an almost perfect navigation device in our hands, but it has one big drawback. He needs to be fed from the outlet from time to time. Here are three tips to help your smartphone or tablet stay truly mobile for longer.

Step 1
Make sure that all wireless interfaces are turned on only when really needed. For example, when Wi-Fi is turned on, it continues to scan the network and drain the battery of the mobile device even when you are not on the Internet. The same can be said for Bluetooth. By turning them off on time, or even putting your smartphone into “airplane” mode, you can extend its battery life by an hour or two.
Step 2
Before going on a long journey, consider buying an external battery for your mobile companion. They differ in capacity. Higher capacity means more expensive device, but also more power for your smartphone. Such an external battery can give you up to 8 hours of mobile work.

Step 3
Well, as an option for real travelers - a bag or backpack with solar panels. This accessory has a built-in battery. During the day's transition, he will accumulate enough energy to chat with friends on a social network before going to bed or just surf the Internet. Those. it allows you to power your mobile device even when there is no sun. This is the most effective way to increase mobility, as it makes you completely independent of an outlet for many weeks.