Many people do not understand why they need to turn off the phone on the plane. Every time before take-off, the crew members of Russian airlines ask passengers to do this. But not everyone turns off their phones, and nothing terrible happens. So is it really necessary and why?

In fact, if you recall better, on the plane they ask you to turn off not only phones, but also any other electronic devices. At one time, the on-board systems of aircraft were not as high-tech as they are today, and technicians did not exclude the possibility of jamming due to the operation of radio devices during flight. Since then, there has been a habit of asking passengers to turn off the devices on the plane, at least during takeoff and landing.
Now it is almost certain that aircraft pilots will not experience any control problems due to the fact that mobile phones remain on board. Nevertheless, the complexity of transporting tens or even hundreds of passengers by air is so high that the airline employees try to prevent even the slightest risks.
In practice, mobile devices can only interfere with the dynamics through which the crew commander addresses the passengers. If suddenly the pilot's voice disappears, it may well be due to a working phone. But this does not mean that there is a risk to the safety of the pilot. If, while on the plane, before takeoff or landing, you see that someone is sitting with the phone on, do not panic: nothing terrible will happen.