Nowadays Spain is popular with tourists. However, according to a survey of the population, not all of its cities are equally calm. When visiting the country, you need to remember that in some areas there is a fairly high level of crime.

Recently, a Spanish consumer organization asked the population which city is the most dangerous. According to the results of the survey, Alicante was recognized as such. The safest citizens considered Pamplona, Gijon, Oviedo and Santander, which are located in the north of the country.
The survey participants had to distribute cities according to certain criteria: criminal situation, internal stability and compliance with laws. In total, it was attended by more than five thousand people living in 30 different localities in Spain. In addition to Alicante, according to the Spaniards, Palma de Mallorca and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are extremely dangerous cities. Also in the number of disadvantaged places were Barcelona and Madrid.
Many citizens who participated in the survey noted that they were afraid to appear on the streets after dark. Some of the localities are currently experiencing an increase in street crime. Barcelona and Madrid have long and confidently occupy the top places in the ranking of cities with the most pickpockets. Local criminals know hundreds of different ways to rob tourists. Most often, pickpockets work on electric trains, on central streets and in the airport area. For example, in 2010 in Barcelona alone, more than 900 Russian tourists lost their passports due to pickpocketing. According to the employees of the consulate of the Russian Federation, this is the number of applications received by the capital's department for the registration of new documents.
On the other hand, Santander, Oviedo and Pamplona are considered the safest. Also least of all, tourists and locals can worry about the safety of their savings and documents in cities such as Bilbao, A Coruña, Valladolid, Albacete, Vitoria, Logroño and Gijón.