Initially, the name of this type of recreation for tourists as safari meant hunting for wild animals in the desert. But these stereotypes have long been in the past and have remained a myth. When visiting such places, 99% of travelers just want to get acquainted with the natural features and feel the unity with the wild nature.

Currently, the specifics of safari are changing somewhat. None of the former poachers are seeking to hang their trophy on the wall at home. Thanks to civilized laws, only safe photo hunting is possible. Common sense nevertheless convinced people that the bloodshed of innocent exotic animals would not lead to anything good.
The huge African continent will acquaint and show its native inhabitants. Everyone is attracted by a special five - lions, buffaloes, rhinos, hyenas and, of course, elephants. If tourists do not bother the local animals with excessive noise, then it is quite possible to see giraffes and antelopes, brightly colored birds and insects.
Everyone chooses places for their adventures according to their taste and possibilities. The most popular countries are Uganda, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania. These countries are famous for nature reserves with large herds or flocks of predators and prey. Serengeti National Park in Tanzania boasts millions of wildebeest and zebras. Kenny's Tsavo East National Park is home to herds of elephants. It is better to observe the annual migration of herd animals from the Masai Mara Park.
To go alone to such serious and dangerous places is sure suicide. For safety, you can join an excursion group and watch everything that happens from the window of a protected jeep. The safety of each tour is guaranteed by an experienced armed guide. These safety measures for tourists are made in order to prevent attacks by elephants, hippos, lions, cheetahs … (the weapon is not lethal, but soporific).
African countries are always glad to foreigners and shelter everyone. A choice for all preferences: hotels, cottage rentals, camping. The local population of the protected area is ready to provide not very comfortable rest (practically on the ground and without a restroom), but you can get to know their life from the inside. If the country has access to the sea or ocean, then you can book a room in a coastal hotel or settle in a tent (wild) in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir.