What Active Volcanoes Are There In Europe

What Active Volcanoes Are There In Europe
What Active Volcanoes Are There In Europe

Volcanoes are one of the most dangerous and beautiful natural creations. They form at the joints of tectonic plates and are conductors to the center of the Earth. Today the planet has about 500 active volcanoes. Some of them are located in Europe.

Mount Etna
Mount Etna

Italy - the volcanic cradle of Europe

Italy can be safely called a country with "special effects". There are three powerful active volcanoes on the Apennine Peninsula and adjacent islands. Each of them is known in the world for his “hot exploits”.

It is in Italy that the most famous volcano of all time is located - Vesuvius. He was involved in the tragedy captured by more than one great master of the brush - the last day of Pompeii. Today, scientists have calculated the eruption cycle of Vesuvius, which is once every 20 years.

Stromboli volcano is famous for almost continuous eruptions for two millennia. He even became a kind of trendsetter. The Strombolian eruption is frequent and harmless, but with a large, inexhaustible flow of lava.

Etna is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world. In Europe, it is the highest. Mount Etna is located in the northwestern part of Sicily, in the Catania region. The massif is constantly in a smoky state, but real eruptions do not occur more often than once every few years. Scientists believe that while Etna is "talking", nothing threatens the island.

Volcanic islands of Spain

All Spanish volcanoes are located in the Canary Islands. The Teide volcano is the symbol of Tenerife. The foot of its summit can be reached by cable car. The ascent to the craters is only possible with a special permit form.

On the island of Canar Lanserote, there is the Timanfaya Park, famous for its post-apocalyptic landscapes and volcanoes. There are practically no pedestrian paths in this park: all excursions are conducted by bus or camels. One wrong step, and you will find yourself in a hole, the temperature in which can reach 500 ° C.

Volcanoes are also present on other islands of the Canary archipelago. For example, in 1971 there was an eruption on the popular island of La Palma. It is also worth remembering not only earthly, but also underwater volcanoes. One of these is constantly erupting near the island of Hierro.

Iceland: volcano country

Icelandic volcanic island is one of the youngest on the planet. There are about 160 volcanoes in the country. However, most fire breathing hazards are dormant: only 30 are in effect.

In the middle of the 20th century, a large eruption of an underwater volcano occurred off the coast of Iceland. The result was a new island, the life of which scientists began to closely monitor. At first, Surtsey was chosen by bacteria, and 20 years after the eruption, birds appeared. The mini-model of the creation of the world is carefully protected from people and accidental ingestion of new life forms.

One of the most serious eruptions of the 21st century was made by the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull. In 2010, Europe was literally covered with a smoky curtain. More than 60,000 flights have been canceled. Scientists warn that the nearby Katla volcano will soon "speak", the eruption of which will be tens of times stronger.

It is worth noting that Icelanders have learned how to properly use the natural features of their island. About 90% of the country's homes are heated using volcanic heat. Wellness hot springs are also very popular.