Souvenirs from Vietnam are as varied as Vietnam itself. You can list them endlessly, but you can still highlight the main list, from which you must definitely bring something home for yourself and for your loved ones. Moreover, the prices for many souvenirs are initially low, and many sellers like to bargain.

The most popular is Vietnamese silk. Dressing gowns, blouses, dresses, pajamas, stoles, bed linen, fans, paintings, handbags - all these products can be bought in the markets or in brand shops at factories. In some handicraft centers, you can even observe the manufacturing process of many of the items sold. Many garments can be tailored to size and in a very short time.
Elegant jewelry will delight the fair sex. They are made of pearls and precious stones, silver and gold, as well as ivory. To avoid counterfeiting, you only need to buy jewelry from specialized stores that can provide a certificate. Acquaintances can only envy products made of pearls - sea or river - beauty and sophistication in one bottle.
Leather products are not inferior in popularity to silk products. As a rule, these are bags, belts, wallets, document covers and key holders made of crocodile leather. Again, you only need to buy leather goods in stores that provide quality certificates for the goods sold.
First-class coffee from Vietnamese plantations or one of the types of tea also does not go unnoticed by tourists in Vietnam. 30 sorts of coffee, some of which are impossible to buy in Russia, sorts of tea from green to artichoke - all this can be bought in the markets and in small shops. In specialized stores, you can try any type of tea or coffee before buying to make sure that this particular taste is perfect for warming in cold weather and bringing the landscapes of fabulous Vietnam back to life.
Not only Vietnamese tea or coffee can warm up, but also alcoholic beverages, including snake liqueurs, rice vodka or rum with various additives. In addition to snakes, there may be scorpions and salamanders in bottles. Most often, these drinks serve more to decorate the bar, but they are also ideal for improving health and new sensations.
Gourmets can pamper themselves with Vietnamese sweets, exotic fruits or lotus-seed sweets.
Bamboo products cannot be ignored: figurines and wall decorations, boxes and frames, trays and much more. In addition to bamboo, mahogany is also used as a material for making souvenirs. Such souvenirs are inexpensive, but they can easily transform the interior, adding an exotic touch to it.
Handmade masks are also suitable for interior decoration. They are made of bamboo or coconut and painted with a fancy pattern.
Another must-have purchase is a spacious bag for souvenirs and gifts. The larger it is, the more things dear to the heart can be brought home from Vietnam.