How Not To Get Sick On Vacation & Nbsp

How Not To Get Sick On Vacation & Nbsp
How Not To Get Sick On Vacation & Nbsp

The long-awaited vacation has finally begun. Vouchers to the resort have long been bought, things are packed. Tourists with all their thoughts are already in a distant exotic country, anticipating a wonderful vacation that will bring a lot of positive emotions. But so that the vacation is not spoiled by the inopportune onset of illnesses, you need to follow basic precautions.

How not to get sick on vacation
How not to get sick on vacation

Choose your tour carefully, taking into account such factors as the location of the host country, the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the time of the year, and your state of health. For example, even if you love to swim among the corals of the Red Sea, admiring a fantastically beautiful sight, you should hardly go to Egypt in the summer, when it is very hot there! Especially if you have heart problems. It is better to choose a cooler season for this trip by Egyptian standards.

Try to minimize the negative effects of acclimatization. To do this, sleep well before the flight, refrain from alcoholic beverages before and during the flight, and go to bed early on the day of arrival at the resort. Don't be tempted to immediately swim for pleasure or get caught up in the local cuisine. Let the body come to its senses, tune in to a new regime.

In southern countries where the sun is very strong, be especially careful! Try to swim and sunbathe in the morning when the chance of sunburn is minimal. Use sunscreen. In the hottest time, it is better not to leave the room at all or, in extreme cases, sit in the shade.

Air conditioning is an indispensable thing in the summer, especially in the south. But try not to set it too cold. Otherwise, you will easily get a cold.

Even if you are in good health and have no digestive problems, do not try to try literally all of the local cuisine. Especially if it is exotic, unusual for Russians. Do not take too literally the phrase "all inclusive", which is very popular in the same Egypt or Turkey. Yes, it is not easy to resist if there are many delicious dishes around, which are so attractive with their appearance and aroma. But remember the dangers of excesses.

In many countries of the world, in no case should you drink tap water, and even rinse your mouth with it after brushing your teeth. This is fraught at best with stomach upset and at worst with severe infectious disease. Use only store-bought drinking water for drinking and rinsing your mouth. For example, in the same Egypt, guides immediately instruct arriving tourists about this precaution.

In the tropical region, many sea creatures are poisonous. Never try to catch coral fish or tiny octopuses with your hands.
