In many countries, health insurance is not a requirement. Whether to buy it or not is the responsibility of the traveler. But nevertheless, if an insured event occurs, insurance can save you money. Even if you are an optimist, choosing an insurance company should be taken seriously.

Experienced travelers know that travel health insurance is a must. Indeed, even in inexpensive Asian countries, the cost of medical services for tourists is very different from the prices for local residents.
Buying a policy from the first company you see is very reckless, especially if you are traveling with your family. It is best to collect information carefully.
First you need to understand that any insurance company works in conjunction with an assistance company. If an insured event occurs, then you contact the assistance company, so you should always look at the reviews in this bundle. Please note that the insurance company may change the assistance services, so old reviews may not be up-to-date. The area of responsibility of the assistance companies is to provide quick assistance to the victim, give the address of the hospital with which they cooperate, or arrange for a doctor to come home. In case of high costs for treatment, the insurance company is already connected and makes a decision on payment.
The first step is to look at the assistance rating. This can be done on specialized sites. Naturally, insurance with the most reliable ones is more expensive.
Explore the latest reviews on travel forums. Pay attention to the relevance of reviews, that is, those that have been left over the past couple of years. It's also worth noting that people tend to describe negative experiences more often than positive ones. Be critical of reviews, sometimes a person demands from the insurance what was not specified in the contract.
Choose insurance based on the country you are traveling to. This is especially important for exotic countries. Set search queries by the type: "What kind of insurance is better for traveling to Thailand."
Read the insurance conditions carefully, they may differ from one insurance company to another. For example, almost no one insures pregnancy complications. If the question is fundamentally important, then call the insurance company to get complete information.
If you plan to engage in active sports, then insurance will cost more, as the risks increase. Some companies distinguish between outdoor activities and extreme sports.
Some companies are now selling franchised policies for a specific amount. This means that within this amount, the traveler pays for the expenses on his own. As a rule, the amount of the deductible is offered in the range of $ 30 to $ 100. For example, if a person treats a minor injury and the treatment costs $ 50, then he pays this amount out of his own pocket. If this state of affairs does not suit you, then choose insurance without a deductible. Check this point right away.
Many companies are introducing multiplying factors for children and people over a certain age.
It is easiest to compare prices and conditions for all insurances on special aggregator sites, it is better to buy on them. Since in case of disputable situations, these services can provide additional support and resolve issues with the insurance company.