The fact that a traveler needs a compass is a common truth, but what kind of compass is a moot point. Few people know, but there are a lot of types of this simple device.

When going on a trip, especially on foot, do not forget to bring a compass with you. The device is simple, but more than useful.
Compass selection
First, determine if you need a compass. If you are walking, then choose a lightweight, multifunctional device: any excess weight will multiply with fatigue. A regular magnetic compass is most suitable for this. When choosing, make sure that the azimuth is well verified and the scale is well drawn - this way you will reduce the strain on the eyes.

If you intend to travel by transport or bicycle, then it is good to use a GPS compass: it is a more reliable device than a magnetic one, characterized by greater accuracy and functionality (memorizing the route, you can put marks at gas stations, if you are on a car, motorcycle or scooter, it replaces essentially a navigational journal and calculator). But when choosing a GPS compass, take into account the driving range, because there is a risk that the batteries may run out at the most inopportune moment, you will be left completely without independent landmarks.
If this is the case, use a solar-powered compass if possible. Perhaps this option is the most invulnerable during transport travel: iron will not affect the functionality of the device, as it can happen with a magnetic compass.

If you are an athlete and need an orienteering device, then, unfortunately, GPS compasses are not your option, as they are neither too heavy and will interfere with your running. In your case, it should be borne in mind that the arrow should not rotate too intensively, it should be, so to speak, "restrained" in behavior, so as not to twitch chaotically while you run. The guide plate should not be too short, otherwise the device may mislead and orient you.
If you go on a mountain hike or you are a trucker, then the most ideal option is a compass-direction finder. It is designed for orienteering in terrain with a large number of objects. It shows points, a route, as well as deviations from it.
For each case - its own device.