Pavlovsky Park is one of the most famous landscape parks in Russia. Residents of St. Petersburg often go out of town to stroll here; it is also popular among tourists who want to get acquainted with the beauties of the glittering suburb of the Northern capital. The park is part of the Pavlovsk Museum-Reserve, and the entrance to its territory is paid. However, you can save on entrance tickets, and in an absolutely legal way.

Pavlovsky Park: paid and free work mode
The time when the gates of Pavlovsky Park are open for visitors in summer, the most popular period for walking here is from 6 am to midnight. At the same time, the office hours are from 10 am to 6 pm. The rest of the time the park is officially open for free visits. Therefore, in order to walk here for free during the daytime, it is enough to enter the park before 10 am. No one will check tickets inside the park or at the exit from it. True, in the pavilions of the museum-reserve, concerts are periodically held, admission to which is free, but upon presentation of an entrance ticket to the park. In such cases, morning visitors will not be able to join the culture for free.
In the evening, you can also walk to your heart's content in Pavlovsky Park. However, after six or seven in the evening the number of "organized entertainment" available to visitors drops sharply - excursions on tourist trains and electric cars, as well as horse rides in the park, are usually held in the daytime, when there are especially many tourists here. However, bike and scooter rentals, boat stations, cafes in the park are open until 8 pm, and during the white nights their opening hours are extended until 9 pm. And the trains from Pavlovsk to St. Petersburg run until midnight, so you can get to the city after an evening walk with a guarantee.
However, if you plan to walk in the park until late in the evening - keep in mind that the park is large, it is not always possible to accurately calculate the time of passage from the point of your location to the exit, and at midnight the gates are closed. Therefore, it is better to write down the security phone at the entrance to the park (it is indicated on the plate on the gate).
In winter, admission to the park during the daytime is paid on weekends and holidays, on weekdays, walking along the snow-covered alleys of the park is completely free.
Who is eligible for free admission to Pavlovsky Park during the office hours
Before a trip to Pavlovsky Park, you should familiarize yourself with the list of those categories of citizens who have the right to enter the territory free of charge at any time. The list is impressive and includes 17 categories of citizens, including disabled people of I and II groups and disabled children with accompanying persons, members of creative unions and students of a number of creative universities, employees of Russian museums, cadets and military personnel, large families and many others.
Also free admission to Pavlovsky Park for children under 7 years old.
Pensioners and labor veterans can visit the park for free on any Thursday. For children under 18, as well as students, it is free of charge once a month - every third Thursday.