How To Get A Free Voucher To The Sanatorium

How To Get A Free Voucher To The Sanatorium
How To Get A Free Voucher To The Sanatorium

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Today, almost all people falling under the privileged category can get a free voucher to the sanatorium, you just need to collect the necessary certificates. Vouchers are provided to certain categories of citizens who, for medical reasons, have the right to receive free social assistance at the expense of the federal budget.

How to get a free voucher to the sanatorium
How to get a free voucher to the sanatorium

It is necessary

Health resort card, a list of past diseases with a diagnosis, a passport, a document confirming disability (if any), a certificate filled out by a local doctor


Step 1

To get a voucher, you need to contact your local doctor at your place of residence. If there is a medical indication, the doctor must fill out a certificate to receive a voucher, which must indicate the name of the sanatorium, the profile and the recommended season.

Step 2

With a completed application and a certificate, you must contact the Social Insurance Fund. In addition, you must provide a document confirming the right to receive social assistance (issued by the pension fund). A document confirming attribution to the privileged category of a citizen (disability, etc.) and a passport. Within two weeks, the Pension Fund must inform about the possibility of providing a citizen with a voucher.

Step 3

After receiving the voucher, you need to get a health resort card at the clinic. After treatment in a sanatorium, it is necessary to return the return coupon to the clinic.
