How To Urgently Make A Visa

How To Urgently Make A Visa
How To Urgently Make A Visa

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In order to obtain an urgent visa for traveling abroad, it is necessary to collect the same package of documents that is required to obtain a visa in the usual way, and pay the visa fee for an accelerated processing process.

How to urgently make a visa
How to urgently make a visa


Step 1

Visit the official website of the Embassy of the country where you want to travel in the near future. Pay attention to the section "Visa information", it can also be called "Consular services", it depends on the site. If you cannot find the section you need, use the search engine on the site, enter "obtaining a visa" and study the information that will be found. You need data on the timing of obtaining urgent visas, they differ slightly in each embassy.

Step 2

Collect the complete package of documents required to obtain a visa. A complete list of certificates, requirements for medical policies, you will find on the website of the embassy you need. Also on the site you can find a questionnaire form, which is required. Pay attention to the form in which the questionnaire must be completed - some embassies provide visa applicants with the opportunity to fill out the form online.

Step 3

Make sure that your foreign passport is valid for the period set by the Embassy of the country from which you intend to obtain a visa.

Step 4

Take photos for your visa application form. Pay attention to the requirements for the photo. Some Embassies require a specific background color, head size, distance from the edge of the head to the end of the photo. These requirements are presented not in order to complicate the life of travelers, but in view of the fact that various machines are installed in the visa departments to read information from printed media.

Step 5

Pay the visa fee. Be sure to specify when paying that you intend to receive an urgent visa. The fee for such a service is usually twice as high as for a regular one. In addition, some Embassies accept payment of the visa fee exclusively in cash at the time of submission of documents.

Step 6

Call the Embassy's Visa Application Center and schedule an interview to apply. Provide the department employees with all the necessary documents.