Beautiful And Terrible. The Lake That Turns Animals To Stone

Beautiful And Terrible. The Lake That Turns Animals To Stone
Beautiful And Terrible. The Lake That Turns Animals To Stone

In distant Tanzania, which is located in sultry hot Africa, there is a serene and seemingly very harmless Lake Natron. But the first impression is sometimes very deceiving …

Beautiful and terrible. The lake that turns animals to stone
Beautiful and terrible. The lake that turns animals to stone

This lake is now home to some of the most fantastic photographs ever taken by amateur photographers.

The animals captured in the pictures look as if they, by some evil fate and a whim of fate, by chance, being on the lake, instantly turned into stone. Gloomy footage makes the lake look like a living museum of death.

What is happening in this mysterious place? What forces of nature act on living beings in such a destructive way?


The answer is simple. It's all about alkali!

The water in Lake Narton has a ph of up to 10. It is so corrosive that it can burn the skin and eyes of animals that are not adapted to it.

Washing soda, which enters the lake in huge quantities from nearby volcanoes, was previously used in Egypt to mummify the pharaohs and their entourage.

This incredible type of preservative works so destructively that with prolonged contact with it, creatures are transformed alive into stone statues.

Despite the unfavorable factors, the lake is an important habitat and breeding ground for small flamingos, which nest here and feed on red algae.

All the conditions for a happy life have been created for the pink beauties on the lake.

It's warm here, predators can't get here, and the food here is just a klondike!


And animals, of course, do not die immediately when they touch the water surface. Only those who fall and die are retained over time by the salts, which is what makes Norton so unique.

The color by the lake is also unusual. It attracts tourists with its exoticism, changing from bright orange to deep red.

This effect is due to the flowers of hodgepodge growing in shallow water, of which there are a great many in Tanzania.


Lake Norton is beautiful and terrible at the same time.

Here idealistic landscapes go hand in hand with harsh reality.

Would you like to go there?
