Which Is Better: Thailand Or Vietnam

Which Is Better: Thailand Or Vietnam
Which Is Better: Thailand Or Vietnam

Thailand and Vietnam are currently competing for every tourist. These countries are in the neighborhood, they are quite similar, but Thailand began its tourism activities much earlier.

Which is better: Thailand or Vietnam
Which is better: Thailand or Vietnam

Climate and prices

Currently, prices for tours of approximately the same duration to Vietnam and Thailand are practically the same, although only a few years ago Vietnam was considered a very expensive destination. In the country itself, the cost of food, transport, hotels and souvenirs is currently slightly lower than in Thailand. However, it should be noted that some things in the tourist areas of Vietnam can be unreasonably expensive, as some Vietnamese still see foreigners as mainly a wallet. This is due to the fact that before this country was mainly visited by very wealthy tourists, so if you see unreasonably high prices for something, feel free to start bargaining.

Both countries are suitable for beach holidays all year round. There is a concept of low and high season here, but a little bad weather in the rainy (low) season is usually not a problem for a tourist.

If you prefer a beach holiday, head to Thailand. In Vietnam, there are still much fewer decent beaches. Most of them are concentrated on the islands, for example, in Fukuoka. In Thailand, there are significantly more beach resorts, and they are located both on the islands and on the mainland.

Entertainment and infrastructure

In terms of tourist infrastructure, Vietnam quickly caught up with Thailand. In Vietnam, the construction of modern hotels, supermarkets is underway at a frantic pace, more and more new routes are being opened. So, it is no longer possible to say unequivocally where it is more convenient and easier to live.

Lovers of attractions should pay attention to Thailand. It would seem that both countries are very similar, from the sights in them you can find Buddhist temples, ruins, mountains and waterfalls. Sadly, political unrest and the Vietnam War have erased many of the great landmarks. In this country, you will not be able to find anything like the royal palace in Bangkok, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Ayutthaya, the Golden Triangle, and so on. Many tour operators offer tourists in Vietnam multi-day excursions to neighboring countries - Cambodia and Laos, where many more architectural monuments have survived.

Vietnamese and Thai cuisines are very varied and interesting. They are quite different from each other, although the basis of both cuisines is noodles and rice. Vietnamese cuisine is not at all as spicy as Thai; many dishes have a sweetish aftertaste. In addition, in Vietnam, you will not be able to taste various exotic dishes like fried insects. But the meat of a crocodile, snake, ostrich and other animals can be tasted in Thailand and Vietnam.

If you are looking for nightlife, head to Thailand. The nightlife is in full swing there. In Vietnam, late in the evening, you can only sit in a cozy bar or dine in a suitable restaurant.
