Which Sea Is Better: Black Or Mediterranean

Which Sea Is Better: Black Or Mediterranean
Which Sea Is Better: Black Or Mediterranean

Nothing can replace the rest on the sea: the sound of incoming waves, the cry of seagulls, gentle waves! All this comes from the seaside, sunny beaches and good resorts.

Which sea is better: Black or Mediterranean
Which sea is better: Black or Mediterranean

Most Russian tourists, planning their vacation, choose between the resorts of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. They have their advantages and disadvantages, having considered which, you can give preference to one or another place.

Black Sea - the sea of velvet seasons

The Black Sea coast has long been considered a resort where every person has been at least once. For the inhabitants of Russia, this is their native sea, where many have traveled to rest since childhood. Its location in several climatic zones that are different from each other allows you to choose completely different places to stay or travel the whole vacation to different resort towns.

The most wonderful time for the Black Sea coast is September, which is considered the velvet season: the sea is still quite warm, and the air is comfortable humidity. Often the Black Sea is chosen for the treatment of various diseases of the pulmonary and cardiovascular system.

As for a specific vacation spot, the best on the Black Sea coast are the Russian resorts of Yalta, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa. From foreign countries - Varna in Bulgaria, Constanta in Romania.

The disadvantage of the Black Sea is the high degree of pollution, especially at the end of the resort season, since the water is practically not purified. In addition, storms, hurricanes and storms occur quite often here. Despite this, vacationers on the Black Sea can take therapeutic mud baths in small sea bays.

Clean and lively Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the cleanest. Resorts on this coast are chosen by most vacationers. Host states include Greece, Israel, Turkey, France, Spain and Italy. However, depending on the choice of the country of rest, the sea has a different degree of pollution. It is the most transparent and cleanest in the Eastern Mediterranean, on the island of Crete and the beaches of Israel.

It is best to choose places for a seaside holiday next to coniferous forests, because this has a beneficial effect on the body and creates a maximum health-improving effect. Rest in the Mediterranean resorts strengthens the immune system and allows you to enjoy picturesque natural landscapes, visit historical sites. The level of service on the coast is quite high and the cost is quite reasonable. There are practically no downsides to a holiday in the Mediterranean, except for water pollution in some tourist cities in Europe.

If we talk about the most popular resorts of the Mediterranean, then among Russian vacationers, without a doubt, the first place is taken by the Turkish Riviera - Antalya, Alania, Kemer, Belek, Side, Incekum. Magnificent sea, mild climate, sandy beaches, top-level service, what else does a tourist need ?!

To choose the best place to stay, you need to decide on the purpose of the trip. For the first trip with a child, treatment or rehabilitation, the Black Sea is the best choice. For seasoned travelers who value comfort and entertainment, the choice should be in favor of the resorts and beaches of the Mediterranean.
