Going to the sea, you should understand that some of them are dangerous for tourists. The danger is posed by poisonous jellyfish, sharks and other predatory fish species. It is important to follow some safety rules.

Step 1
The very first rule is that you cannot swim if there is even a small wound on the body. Predatory fish very well feel the blood in the water, even for several kilometers. Therefore, if you cut yourself on coral or on the bottom, then you should immediately get out of the water.
Step 2
The second rule is that you cannot swim far from the shore, even if you have been told that there are no sharks in the area.
Step 3
The third rule is not to swim at night. Most of the predators are active at night, in the dark they begin to swim to the surface and hunt.
Step 4
You should also not swim alone. Sharks attack those people who swim alone, if there is a group of people - the shark may get scared and will not attack. But there are other types of sharks, such as the white shark. This shark is completely unpredictable, so it is important to be extremely careful here.
Step 5
Also, do not swim with different ornaments on your body, as they can attract the attention of predators.
Step 6
There is no need to create unnecessary splashes and noise, this way you can attract a predator. Try to swim calmly without sudden movements.
Step 7
You cannot swim near fishing boats that are saturated with the smell of fish. There, too, sea predators love to hunt.