How To Fill Out Documents For A Visa To France

How To Fill Out Documents For A Visa To France
How To Fill Out Documents For A Visa To France

France belongs to the Schengen countries, and to get her visa, you need to fill out an application form. This is the only document that the applicant must fill out, all the rest are prepared by other persons, the person only needs to put them together and make sure that the documents are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the French consulate.

How to fill out documents for a visa to France
How to fill out documents for a visa to France

personal information

All applications for Schengen visas are standardized, the questions in them do not differ, so this instruction can be used to fill out any application for a Schengen visa. You need to fill out the questionnaire in English or in the national language. In this case, it's French.

First, enter your last name in item 1. If you changed your last name, you will need to indicate this. If not, write a dash in item 2. In step 3, you need to specify a name. Indicate all personal data strictly in the same way as they are written in your foreign passport.

In step 4, write your date of birth in the format day / month / year. P.5 - place of birth. In item 6, you need to write the country of birth. Despite the fact that you may have been born in the USSR, you should write Russia, that is, as the country is called at present. Clause 7 indicates the citizenship at birth and, if it is different, what it is at the present time. If at birth you received Russian citizenship and keep it, write Russia everywhere. In step 8, indicate your gender by placing a cross in the required box.

In clause 9, you need to choose your marital status. Single means you are single, Married is married, Separated is married but separated, Divorced is divorced, Wodow (er) is a widow or widower. Other is something else. If you choose the last point, you need to clarify what you mean.

Clause 10 is filled in for minors. Here you need to write the name, surname, address and citizenship of people who have the authority of parents or guardians.

Passport and citizenship

P.11 means national identification number, leave it blank if you do not understand what is at stake. This field is filled in by those who live in France permanently and have an identification card - local identity card.

P.12 means the type of travel document. Ordinary passport is an ordinary passport (here you need to put a cross for the vast majority of applicants), Diplomatic passport - a diplomatic passport, Service passport - a service passport, Official passport - another type of service passport, Special passport - a special passport, Other travel document - any other document. If you choose the last item, write which document you are using

In clauses 13-16, you need to sequentially indicate the data of the passport: clause 13 - number, clause 14 - date of issue, clause 15 - validity period, clause 16 by whom issued. In item 17, enter your home and address and e-mail. There will be a cell for a phone number next to it.

In clause 18, the country of residence is indicated if it does not coincide with the country of citizenship. If you are a citizen of Russia and live in it, select No.

Trip details and finances

In item 19, write your job title. If in doubt, see what is written on the job reference. In item 20, indicate the name of the place of work. Make sure it matches the Help exactly. Also fill in your contact details. Students here report their place of study.

Clause 21 concerns the purpose of the trip. It sequentially lists: tourism, business, visiting relatives and friends, culture, sports, official reason, treatment, study, transit, airport transit, etc. In clause 22, you must indicate the country of destination. Email France. In paragraph 23, indicate the country through which you enter the Schengen area. In paragraph 23, indicate which visa you need: for single entry, double entry or multiple (multi). In paragraph 25, you should write the number of days of stay in the Schengen area, not only in France.

If you have previously issued Schengen visas, please list them in paragraph 26. Paragraph 27 requires you to answer whether you provided fingerprints for a Schengen visa. Since Russian citizens are exempt from this, select No. If you are traveling through France in transit to a third country, then in paragraph 28 indicate if the validity of the visa to this country, if needed.

In paragraph 29 write the date of entry into the Schengen area, and in paragraph 30 - the date of departure. In paragraph 31, indicate who invites you. If the visit is a tourist, then contact information and the name of the hotel, its phone number. In clause 32, the name of the organization and its contacts are written by those who are traveling on a business visit and have an invitation from the organization.

In paragraph 33, you need to write who pays your expenses. The answer to the question is divided into two columns. The first is for those who pay for their trip themselves, the second is for those who spend the sponsor's money.

If you have a relative with Schengen citizenship, then indicate his details in paragraph 34. If not, leave this field blank. In paragraph 35, it should be noted whether you have family ties with EU citizens (spouse, child, grandson, dependent). If not, skip this question.

In paragraph 36, write the place where you are submitting the application and the date. In paragraph 37, you should sign. Put another signature at the very end of the application, in the field labeled Signature.