How They Live In Switzerland

How They Live In Switzerland
How They Live In Switzerland

It is believed that if a person chose where to be born, then he would definitely choose Switzerland. This country ranks first in terms of living standards. She deserves to know as much as possible about her.


Where is

Switzerland is a European state that borders countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein. Landlocked. Most of the country is mountainous, but the population mainly lives on the plateau.


The main large cities - Geneva and Zurich - are located similarly. It is a small country with a population of just over 8.5 million. Switzerland is a country visited by foreign tourists a lot. Approximately 23% of the population is non-indigenous.

Features of the state

Four languages are spoken in Switzerland: French, Italian, German, Romansh. All of them are considered state-owned.

There is no ruler in the country. There is complete democracy here, where any of the citizens can make their own changes to the laws, up to the Constitution. Unlike other states in the world, it has no capital. It is believed that the capital is the city of Bern. But this is not the case. Cities of the same importance include Geneva and Zurich.


Interesting features include its monuments. Many of them are unusual and defy explanation. For example, the sculpture, which is five centuries old, depicts a man eating babies.


How do they live

Switzerland has the world's highest standard of living. As you know, it takes into account the quality of life, crime rate, employment, health care, etc. All these and other indicators are at the highest level. The lowest crime rate in the world. The highest wages on the planet. But, according to earnings, this country has the highest prices and fines. A person can be fined thousands of dollars for minimum speeding or some other minor violation.

Military service

Switzerland is a country that maintains permanent neutrality. But, nevertheless, the entire male population is obliged to serve in the Army. Women also serve at will. Service begins at the age of 18.


The state has an extremely liberal attitude towards weapons. After serving in the Army, a soldier has the right to keep weapons for himself, which can be freely stored at his home. The country has a huge amount of weapons that are owned by citizens.

In case of an attack on the country, the entire population can take refuge in bunkers. Which are located all over the place. They are skillfully disguised as ordinary small houses. The roads are of such quality that any of them, if necessary, will turn into a runway.

How do they work

The richest country in the world has very high morals. Honesty and decency are the main features of an ordinary Swiss, as well as a banker. The people of this country work hard, diligently, diligently and honestly. The principle here is that you can earn money through honest work. And this can be seen by visiting this corner of paradise called Switzerland.