How To Have A Great Vacation On Vacation

How To Have A Great Vacation On Vacation
How To Have A Great Vacation On Vacation

Legal well-deserved vacation is that period in the life of every person that can be used for various purposes. For example, to make important decisions, to learn something new, or just to carry it out in complete idleness.

How to have a great vacation on vacation
How to have a great vacation on vacation

It is imperative to rest, even sacrificing your favorite work, which sometimes draws in so much that it takes away the opportunity to look around from time to time. Overly responsible employees completely discard the opportunity to go on a well-deserved vacation, and are confident that without them work will completely stop. But not a single enterprise has stopped because of this, but only won, since rested employees are more useful than tired and exhausted employees.

The definition of such workaholics was given by American scientists, who introduced the medical term - no leave syndrome. They identified the characteristic features of such people - this is, first of all, a deterioration in well-being, which can lead to pre-infarction, stroke and cancer. Scientists also tracked statistics and determined that the absence of annual leave of more than 21 days increases mortality by up to 20%. In this connection, the conclusion suggests itself - rest is necessary!

If the vacation is associated with variable climatic conditions, then a visit to the doctor should be mandatory. The specialist will give his recommendations and advice on what medicines you need to take with you on the road. These can be medicines for allergies, antipyretics and antiseptics, medicines for diarrhea and indigestion. A first aid kit must have a bandage, iodine, a bactericidal patch and hydrogen peroxide. If the trip is related to the sea, then sunscreen should not be forgotten.

What needs to be done to make the rest complete?

Active work requires a change from the usual active state to a more passive lifestyle. For example, you can lie and sunbathe on the beach, read books, take slow walks in the fresh air, or take a boat cruise on a river or sea.

Too passive sedentary work must be compensated for by active actions. For example, doing daily physical activity in the open air. It can also be swimming, running and cycling. The ideal option would be a vacation in the mountains, where there is snow, skiing, sledges and amazingly clean air.

With a sharp change in climate, doctors recommend traveling by train, not by plane (if, of course, the time allotted for vacation allows). A sharp change in the time zone also adversely affects the body, which entails a complete change in the usual rhythm of life (sleep and wakefulness), and therefore a complete failure in the body. Going on a trip to another country, you always need to be prepared for a completely unusual local cuisine for the body, which can cause severe disorders or allergic reactions to exotic fruits and plants.

You should not risk your health by buying food from street stalls; it is better to do this in specialized stores, where the quality is guaranteed and there are refrigerators for storage. Water must be bought in bottles. It is difficult to judge about alcoholic beverages, because hardly anyone will resist the temptation to try local wine, beer and other spirits, but it is desirable that these samples be in moderation.

A full and eventful rest is wonderful in that it is not only a source of a large energy reserve, which is enough until the next vacation, but after such a rest there are many good memories.
