You can get from Moscow to Tambov by train, plane, bus, taxi or private car. The distance between the points is 458 km, the travel time is 4 hours 25 minutes. The bus departs from the bus station at the Paveletsky railway station. Trains move towards Tambov from the Kursk and Paveletsky stations. You can fly by plane to your destination from Vnukovo airport.

From Moscow to Tambov by car
From the Paveletsky railway station, located on the street. Dubninskaya, 11/17, building 1, a bus with a direct route Moscow - Tambov leaves from 8:00 to 22:00 every 2 hours. Buses from Moscow to Saratov, Kamyshin, Astrakhan, Volgograd and Elista also call in Tambov on the way. Estimated travel time is 7 hours. The ticket price varies from 500 rubles. All questions can be answered by calling +7 (925) 5077888, +7 (495) 5077888.
More buses leave from bus stations Shchelkovsky, st. Uralskaya, 2 at 9:00, Krasnogvardeyskaya, st. Orekhovy Boulevard, 24G at 14:00 and 20:00, Kazanskaya, Ryazansky per., 13/1 at 16:30 and 17:00.
Traveling by private vehicle is the most comfortable and convenient option. The road to Tambov lies along the M-4 and M-6 highways. Approximate travel time - 6 hours, fuel consumption - 45 liters. From Moscow, the path begins along the Novokashirskoye highway, highway M-4. If the road here is normal, then on the M-6 highway it is terrible, in addition, there are many trucks slowing down the movement.
In Moscow, many taxi services offer intercity flights in comfortable cars. You can get to Tambov by taxi for 7000-11000 rubles.
Route taxis provide minivans for 6-7 seats and minibuses for 10-20 seats for travel. The average fare is from 1500 to 3000 rubles. If the passenger returns by the same vehicle that reached Tambov, he is given a 50% discount.
From Moscow to Tambov by train
Trains to Tambov leave from the Paveletsky railway station. There is a single information desk at the railway station - 8 (800) 775 00 00. Trains with a direct route Moscow - Tambov leave at 01:10, 21:04, 22:00, 23:24 hours. The cost of tickets in a reserved seat is from 1000 rubles, a compartment from 1700 rubles. Tickets to the destination can also be taken for passing trains.
At the Kursk railway station, located on the street. Zemlyanoy Val, 29, you can buy tickets to Tambov for trains with the route St. Petersburg - Tambov, departing at 03:53 and 04:12 hours, St. Petersburg - Volgograd (12:06), St. Petersburg - Astrakhan (12: 06), Murmansk - Astrakhan (22:51). Travel time is approximately 9 hours.
From Moscow to Tambov by plane
Flights between cities are provided by UTair. Departures are carried out from Vnukovo airport at 10:30 and 20:30. The flight time is 1 hour 30 minutes, the ticket price is from 4000 rubles. Phone for inquiries +7 (495) 9375555. The plane lands at the airport located in the village of Donskaya, 10 km from the center of Tambov. The city can be reached by bus or taxi.